NOTE: I posted this on several of my TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP websites. It is the IN HOUSE PHILOSOPHY (C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved AS OF RIGHT NOW... I will make it my OWN BUSINESS to not mind ANY of YOURS. And frankly, it’s all between YOU and THE LORD and a CLEAR CONSCIENCE what you Earn, Wear, Drive, Own, Dwell in… and Possess. Also… WHO YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, ARE or ARE NOT “spiritually perceived as UNDER” “supposed to be affiliated WITH”……AND/OR whether, (means if) YOU choose to Hebrews 10:25 fellowship or NOT.. AND…OUR ORGANIC BIBLE “TRUE PROSPERITY”Official =’s + is discerned, ministry , inner witnessed…
PHARISEES? REALIZE ABOUT EPHESIANS 4 COMMON DOCTRINE Leader handout MINISTRY LEADER COMMON DOCTRINE EPHESIANS 4 WAY OFF HUMOR from TCL Swarms of Corn http://www.swarmsofcorn.wordpress.com The Pharisees..they were not fair, you see? The senior office woman minister felt about as welcome as a female preacher at a Levitical Patriarch’s convention. The Temple House Band did a remake of the famous Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song. They called it “Live like a Pharisee..” If Jesus Christ were to openly rebuke the Online Pharisees today: “You brood of VIBERS” Q. WHY did the religious authoritarian cross the road? A. To oversee the other side While all this week…
ACCURATE PERCEPTION + DISCERNMENT 201: First posted 2012. For mostly the “OH.. YOU’RE NOT 100% ACTING LIKE SWEEEEEET BABY JESUS!” , usually ambitious, continually on the move…Born Again Suspicious Alarmist Types “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” PROVERBS 27:6 OFFICIAL DEFINITION OF “REPROVE”… AS HELPFUL IN 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 “Jesus Christ did not continue to remain the Sweet Infant Jesus comfortably swaddled Way in the Manger. He grew up, stood up and openly reproved, even (nonaccuser) rebuked, the Pharisee Big System.” TCL Ministries (C)2012 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved Note: This article was first written 2012 but we…
RECENT IRON TEXAN DESIGNS** ** Rather than doing a LOT of “donation seeking” we prefer to increase needed senior office ministry big FUNDS. via office apostolic TENTMAKING as in Creative in Music, Business. @ T. D’Arcy (See home page of TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP for many OTHER “Leader Divine Appointment” ongoing ideas. http://www.taveaucreativeleadership.com SHOP…IRON TEXAN DESIGNS…ONLINE http://www.irontexan.us PS Top Ministry, Leader, If YOU want Taveau to design a ministry, leader TEE SHIRT just for YOU..then contact** EMAIL: tclcreativeleader@gmail ** NOTE: in order for Taveau to design YOUR one of a kind shirt, motto, flag, banner…a $30.00 nonrefundable, nonreturnable one time fee must be paid before we begin. (C)2018…