SHOW SUPPORT (to Replace YAMAHA XS 90 Professional Workstation, Use for TD Composing, Recording, give impartation lessons, training, filming (which was lost (broken, made not usable) during the Denton workplace unnecessary drug fueled assault..attack… as it were “robbery” ). As this was recorded using that. MAIN GOAL: [wpedon id=”594″] TO CONTACT: tcreativeleadership@yahoo.com PS Taveau will consider setting up a WORSHIP SCHOOL (S) artist in residence, instructor.. in QUALIFYING mature, honest local DFW area ministries in exchange for use of KEYBOARDS and SPACE, …Former (on east coast) Professor, keyboard, piano,Lead sheets using Finale, instructor, National Piano Teachers Guild Members, CCLI.com, BMI, many year composer; God blessed her with an honorary…
NOTE: This was first posted www.onlinefellowship.us July 20,2019 APOSTLE PAUL’S TEACHING REVEAL FALSE, TRUE BIBLE DOCTRINES Submitted as Christian body Selah. REAL PURPOSE..to rebuild the pure walls of First Church healthy RELATIONSHIP RESPECT. And thereby eliminate what is accusative, unhealthy, even toxic, rude and/or unsafe. PURPOSE is to woo, regain the trust of the many pure hearted Born Again Visitors, Christ Seekers, Accepters who no do not feel safe, attending ANY local “ye must be born again ” Hebrews 10;25 Christian Fellowship. And the Reverend Taveau has long time endured, forgiven repeatedly and needed to be GROWN UP to finally be instructed by Jesus,His Good Father and comforting amazing Holy…
NOTE: This was first posted www.dfwleader.org July 12, 209 as an open ended wisdom Submitted Selah to the Ye Must Be Born Again Body Of Christ in ministry. ON A PROPHETIC “MY WAY OR THE RELIGIOUS HIGHWAY ” BRINK (C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved WONDERING….Q. DO I WANT TO GO ATTEND A CHURCH WITH PHARISEES…OR NOT? Let me give my only reasons: The USA is still a free country (for right now..) and God’s Holy Scriptures give me His permission to “work out my own salvation.” Admittedly, I could be a pastor, prophet, chief apostle Bible scholar dependent fan club, albeit “dutiful human pleasing “accepted favored “”blind…
NOTE: this was first posted July 10 2018 www.dfwleader.org and now here as it pertains to CHRISTIAN ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS and SPIRIT FILLED, USUALLY MOSTLY DEEP SOUTH, INTO PROPHESYING, LOCAL AREA FELLOWSHIPS REPEAT QUESTION….IS THERE A FALLING AWAY OR A RUNNING AWAY, BEING DRIVEN AWAY FROM THE 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5 ‘FF Friendly Fire “from such turn away “…so called..Ye Must Be “BORN AGAIN” spirit filled Christian Fellowships?” Along East Coast…to way down area here! CALL ME SUPER SPIRITUAL (Ode to Office WELP controlling leader doctrines) (from which OVER much Phariseeism stems historically (Big Grass Roots, Bible Belt… micro to area mega ) THE ODE TO WELP WE DON’T WANT TO USE…
NOTE This was first posted www.dfwleader.org June 26, 2019 From DFW UPPER ROOM. Now one located in Frisco. Hey, with all of that spiritual warfare involved in simply attempting to actually please GOD by submitting to Hebrews 10:25? ….ie. gossip, sin spying, legalism,(without even mentioning the HYPOCRITES!).. maybe your area WELP covering doctrine, Bible thumping faith filled fellowships,accuser witch watching, hard core political partisanship… bias, Phariseeism, Mama acting up….. …..plus being in the ministry and/or real life..watching the online, nightly news??!!) This is the only pure way. PS One of my own FAV Go To pure songs all of this year.. (C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved