Read the following. Was Christ upset because He was “offended’ or was He fully “fed up?” (meaning not taking it personally but for the sake of His Father’s House and the every day common ordinary real people?
Said on behalf of EORR Cross Body Unity, Taveau D’Arcy Ministries and The Cross Carrying Godly Remnant and the Unknown Multicultural types of Sitting Visitors
“Let not Your good be evil spoken of, Messiah!!”
Ministry Subtitle: “Jesus, we liked you better, when you were your OLD SWEET (usual) “Turn the Other Cheek” Special Self!”
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
THE MATURE and Fully Fed-Up Jesus walked into the proud Pharisee temple.
At the bidding of His heavenly Father, He summarily “tossed over” the Mammon-centric tables of the system.
However, the prestigious, papal, however the blind authorities, who led the ministry fellowship with many massive many devout, yet blind followers. However the regal ministry authorities were in denial, so they ” accused” 30 something adult Jesus as being a “mere novice” and of “not being submitted to their governing authority”…also ” of being ” not being respectful and “in open rebellion” …and of carrying old “unforgiveness baggage.”
The crowd of area Pharisees marveled and pondered.. For they had know Mary and Jesus since He was barely out the manager.
So one presumptuous temple overseer, a top hierarchal Pharisee, clucked his tongue and whispered to the many others ,”Evidently this young “Messiah” junior minister, area Jesus has made bitter root judgments against us. So pay Him no mind!”
Also, a little old woman who had come to the temple, to place alms in the collection box, saw Jesus moving in what appeared to be “mayhem.” So being his elder, she wanted to put Jesus back into His place. And she walked over to Jesus, waved a gnarled in His face and chastised Him sternly, saying, “Jesus, let not your good be evil spoken of! Don’t YOU KNOW that your Mama’s good reputation and that of all of your many new disciples will ruined!”
Collectively, the authoritarian classic temple Pharisees were astounded at Christ’s untoward ministry behavior.
So they word cursed Him and accused Him among themselves. They labeled Jesus as a “wannabe” as marked Him as “contentious,” “undermining” “ambitious” and “divisive” and as a ” chief troublemaker.”
Soon one of them hurried off to the back office to place Jesus name on their Well Known Instigator Black List.
These hierarchal devoted righteous, then wrote Jesus off as being “wounded” and “offended” and concluded that somewhere along the line, Jesus had missed the mark, gone overboard and was now clearly off His Messianic rocker!!
But, in retrospect, it strongly appears that the WORST shock for these formula driven, traditional, fully human, and non-contrite “system” governors was when it occurred to them that THIS was THE NOW GROWN UP Mature Christ and not the “sweet little infant baby”…. which we note, they were accustomed to and happier dealing with.
Here is why: the FORMER ” cozy warm Baby” had been innocent and sweet…also docile and malleable, and easy to control and even easier to pass over and dismiss as “just one more baby”.
For such were the gifted brilliant training office Pharisees of the mammon-centric “Chief System…. in the early days of the First Church.
A Wise Submitted Area Selah
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(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws