WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? *see way beneath
“God is the revealer of secrets (mysteries)” Prophet Daniel 2:28**
**who was immersed in for HIS main Earthly Mission in Deep Babylon, as I, for the sake of the Future Church, was immersed in mine… see Psalm 137 (close second: Psalm 123:3-4,Psalm 115:4-8)
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
Not into Titles, yet must explain to the Big Boss Set, as they will not listen to anyone NOT PATRIARCHAL, WORLD WIDE FAMOUS like them and they know EVERY jot and tittle of the MEN ONLY (wise Elder and Legalistic, “Shaming” and “Claiming”) Letter of Every Penteteuchal Governing Law
Sometimes God will take you to, through and “past’ a person, place or ministry situation, and later give YOU the perspective of WHY ..and this is much, if not most of the History of This Dysfunction, Ministry Doctrine and Submitted Selah Reproving, Equipping Less Ornery Move, Apostolic Finding
T. D’Arcy, new move leader, founder
ABOVE The Many Called, Sent, Even Greatly Gifted Humans Accused and Besieged In the (over) Many Modern Friendly Fire Christian “from such turn away” Pauline warned untrustworthy Fellowships 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5
“And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth. Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken. And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.”
Eli sees the strange Lone Woman, her shoulders are shaking, yet there is no “man” beside her, and each of the many decades of his sr high priest office experience rises up in an worried typecast, for by now Eli had seen it all, heard it all and was depleted, jaded and accuser biased.
For the Just Cause of The Risen Yielded Person of Christ
Taveau D’Arcy’s apostolic ministry and far from ordinary private personal experiences, has a vastly different perspective than most now “5 fold office senior apostolic training, ‘being the part” character, many ministries.” For it is hugely big and different perspective of a person being “Chosen” to sit out with of the last apostolic Mega Generation FRUIT than surrounded by staff, handlers, bodyguards and buffers.
So, when one reads, learns or hears this “part” of Taveau’s life, experiences, this is NOT for the biased, calloused, “Big Ole Squires,” many of whom appear to believe that THEY ALONE “own” and ‘govern “over” ALL of God’s Holy Spirit, Book of Acts and charismatic deep First Church wells.
MUCH LATER WILL ADDRESS THIS as in a Sharing What Prompted all of the many diatribes, reproving, leader correction and then dropping out from being a “system” “charismatic” , whole long life…ministry office pioneering leader,
For Your Information: Taveau has an apostolic “human’s” ministry, which means that she respects and values each equally: males, females, all others, all colors, races, diverse styles, and many choices, faiths, and no faiths.
Yet, her messages, words from the Lord, and these memories are only addressed to the “born again Christ” who has an open ear to hear. However, all others are welcome, respected, and valued, yet the “words” (be they pointed or not) are only geared to these “Christians”.
DFW Man’s World Christian Main Ministry Pro The Many Doctrinal Styles of Men. However, some were not given to bearing the “authentic fruit” of either First Church or the Living Christ.
Below the DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship 9th full-year anniversary Reminder:
Q. But what was, still keeps on being “Our inspiration?”
A. The Deep South... DFW Ministry Precious Authority. We’ve now relocated out of there and moved to a calm, mostly peaceful state, but DFW, you’re “never” out of mind. You always keep on inspiring. Hence, we keep celebrating not being “under” Old Fashioned Big Boss Law, and we keep on ministry admonishing and reproving.
Nineveh? Indiscreet Babylon? I had never used those words before, but during the period of DFW Time, God would give strange “big” Scriptures: Isaiah 1:1-10: 27, I Samuel Eli Prior to the Ichabod Cleanse, Obadiah (the hireling priesthood) and more. Book of Community Ephesians as (To US) Now Important New Testament Book with the deep enigmatic and so long ISAIAH the Old Testament.
Real Persons, who never talked to me, interacted, or spoke to me will ever know the “deepest truth”. But I know, and certainly God knows. Also, HE is preparing to SPEAK and to RISE UP on behalf of THIS as a SIGN to THESE.
I will do nothing more than “train” and feel for the Holy Remnant, the visiting alien stranger, and expat unaware. For this is “LIKE IT IS” in too many set-in fellowships around the USA currently. Unless God shakes them awake, they are much the Village that is “dead in its works and relaxing on its prophetic pedestal,” “asleep ingrown, inbred, and “mostly “in want of nothing”.
DFW 2005-2020 Mid year
“IF the fear of the Lord IS the “beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10)
then the ABSENCE, MINUS “fear of the Lord”
in MINISTRY and Many Christian PERSONS is the BEGINNING OF WHAT? __________
A Reprobate Body Of Christ Selah
But the missing fear of the Lord, the missing genuine people love and respect are going to cause a ministry shaking. I do not want any to be hurt, yet God is winnowing what needs to be HIS CHURCH (Churches) not mine or yours or theirs.
For if WE use Jesus’ good Holy Historical Name to win people to visit and attend “OUR Christian ministry” but do not respect value and respect them all but devalue and use, accuse, abuse MANY, God will not settle for this ANYMORE.
I take a stand to respectfully reprove, correct” and “fellow peer minister” politely confront and reprimand.
Both of these Scriptures were a recurring main ones for this myself alone in this VAST midst: Psalm 137 and Psalm 123: 3-4, also, along with Psalm 132 which is my Journey while doing this as Before the Eyes of the Lord.
EVENTUALLY, the patient Holy Wise Pure Spirit MENTORED me into ceratin style leadership groups Up Front “REPROVING” which has been the 2 Timothy 3:16-17 call over this House since its inception in 1987. Yet, I never realized that it was so very important.
PAUL’S 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
ASIDE: ARTICLE “WHAT IS REPROVE(See top of this home page)
One meaningful “reproving” definition: Around DFW in 2010 (I was deported there in 2005 and had been living there for a while, long enough to “know” stuff and moved after Covid in 2020). While I was there, by 2010, I continually experienced rough first lines of leadership, all professing “big Christians” and “my” color. So, I started to reprove the doctrine due to the fruit. I got accused of being “not sweet like the Baby Jesus” after I got ripped off and tried to follow Matthew 18:15, the meek Galatians 6:1 Bible protocol, to confront one-to-one upfront.
During the course of the USA Wide Doctrinal Embed, First Hand Immersed, Luke Eyewitness Apostolic SENT “Study” (1976 on) Holy Spirit cautioned me 1) IF I allow you to come across something that “hurts” persons OR My God Holy Safe Name 3 times or more..take that as a SIGN from Myself that “I see a lot more of that than 3 times” and take that as a SIGN that I want “You to doctrinally study and address it” (So I am!0
PLUS along the many front lines ministry years, I got wounded but knew to forgive as I was raised healthy and mature. But I did notice the doctrines, the Christian ministry mean groups. Holy Spirit instructed “to not take YOU getting hurt, (usually only by well intentioned albeit deep dysfunction) PERSONALLY,however, do take it PROPHETICALLY for I am letting YOU KNOW and FEEL and DEEPLY UNDERSTAND How Many Others “feel” and this will let YOU have much compassion and can train on HOW to recover.”
But I was withstood 2-3 times by similar white, spirit-filled, hardened area ministry groups. (To cunning LP females (mostly seen as having “no man beside her”) are simply ‘dumb” (could it have been the blonde hair??) Also mega time-wasting, lesser, apparently usable, victims, gullible also “turf” and minister property!) in my first 2 years. And this careful, Respectful To Human Valuable Person got withstood, manipulated, toyed with IF, WHEN I asked to hold one or more of their “office’ “members “junior male ministries’ accountable. It was the Unwritten Biased Law that THE FEMALE was “trouble” and could be easily dismissed and seen as “avoided’ “cleverly “brushed off”
BECAUSE ?? It was the Man’s World in the Deep south West for only “pastel pink Barbie like docile, (easy to control) “many” Little Patrician Regal Women are desired” except the seer spying Levitical Matriarchy who the “prime appointed unjust targeteers for the super skittish elevated famous “Chief Apostle” “Prophet’ “Celebrity. FRUIT WAS DYSFUNCTIONAL and so, I along with many non-famous others have turned away.
It felt at one point, like chief apostle John on the Isle of Patmos, Here I was in apostolic Plano, on the AISLE of Clannish Clique Celebrity so I wrote a humor article “JANE ON THE AISLE OF PLANO” for it was there SHE sought the Lord and got the heavenly REAL DOWNLOAD “Jane on the Spiritual Isle of Pharisee Yeast LP Plano.”
As I ventured forth..trying to find “ministry fellowship” and friends, I had just lost my husband and was the “Expat VERY Unawares “for it like nothing on earth I had ever experienced. And these NO “weep with those who weep, mourn with those who mourn” NO. That seen as “too time-consuming, possibly graining by the entire ambitious Fast Fix Lot (including their stiff females) So It seemed to be an accepted, area-wide, “Turf Owning “she persons’ (perhaps ALL Persons) are merely OUR commodity to keep OUR, MY “Ministry” afloat (Yes, it was indeed THAT bad!)
Then there was the conniving Big Boss Judging, for everyone in their ‘minds’ are “offended’ “baggage-laden” “envious’ or “complainers’ who are “out of order” and “unsubmitted.” and as presumed to be bent on taking up their precious time and waste their energy.
It was THE most widespread, deepest and most awful discovery of anything and anybody in my Christian Ministry Long Life (PS making formulas, far away typecasts, many indifferent stereotypes, and even what I named as “FAST FIX THEOLOGY was was akin to far away “diagnosing “BY TYPE, without any human relationship or interaction a rank and file many junior ministers, being set OVER ALL THE PEOPLE to ‘diagnose who was BAGGAGE, WOUNDED, and BOUND WASTE OUR TIME
I called it Dr. Phil in Christian Pop Psychology in Ministry “Fast Fix to get many people out their hurried, “celebrity” fan club hair. It was a lonely time without anyone who cared, other than the Lord Most High (Father Son and Holy Spirit and God’s Saving Word) So I marveled, then studied and I started to wax humorous..apart with the Lord and the GREAT HEALTHY CLUBS, the STARBUCKS which I dubbed “THE BARISTA FELLOWSHIP” on behalf of the many like myself who have FLED the “CRAP-OLOGY” due to toxic “zero holy of the Lord’ usually Acquisition Big Boss FRUIT.
ONE) Q. Who was King Saul’s favorite Pop Psychologist?
A. Dr. Philistine
TWO) Q. How many Good Ole Big Boys does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. They just sit around and wait for the Little Woman to do it!
THREE) Q. What was King David’s favorite salad dressing? A. Bal-PSALMIC Vinaigrette
FOUR) Also, TD’S Inner Stand up Comedian began to Rise Up (assessed as comic relief, bold stress relief”
Such as “Sister Taveau felt as welcome as a female preacher at a Levitical Patriarch’s Convention”
**(So now, let each Big Boss say, “Ho ho!”)
It was a non diverse, very biased and Caucasian heavily “respecter of ONLY a few pet styles of ministry persons”…a very uneven time (the deep southwest coarse ‘ministry’ culture. Not the norm or the usually for the rest of the United States (for I had been “SENT” to travel to many hotbeds and ministry cultures prior to this to study the doctrines, the worship, the prophetic and the Books of Acts Ministry Subgroups.
Plus I had had my own senior ministry since the late 1980s’ but had been in “nonprofessional” real ministry all my of my life before that.
In DFW, it was often precarious, due to grief, the bias, the materialism, and playboy big “opportunism at the local ministry enormous vast and metroplex level..all of which was effected but GOOD and always deeply negatively by “celebrity” and in these cases ONLY the tongue talkers, who believed in the Book of Acts, moving in the gifts.. And that was in fellowship, sr ministry gathering and the many “wannabe’ lay. It was ‘more materialism, mammon centricity, and popular fun time acquisition than I had ever encountered, or would have ever imagined.
I found that if a newbie, is not non-famous plus a white mature female they are treated like trash, stereotyped, intentionally passed over, withstood, and blocked. Also, I did feel as a mature person, a prophet, who was not Big Boss nor Levitical Law biased, nor one who wanted to “play the game” to favored or many suck up to some gentleman in Christian “ease” ministry who was on the prowl.
So I stayed far away, developed my apostolic writing and personal walk with the Loving Lord..and remembered my Daddy and his values and HIS RESPECT For HIS CHILD, it was a horrible time in the “dysfunction, feeling of predatory “looking for chinks in the Little Christian Woman’s Armor” and I don’t GO THERE ..so I lost out and lost everything ..EXCEPT FOR MY SELF, MY VALUES, AND MY JOY OF THE LORD and FUN WITH THE FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT and a new wisdom, tough boldness that was missing this DFW Fine Tuning/Show Biz Discovery… and I thought of the Lord who was “organic” and “servant leader” and NOT INTO using ministers, reading their minds, defiling MANY women (or men) and who the Isaiah 11:2-3 Portrait of Him was like myself “delighting Himself in the fear Lord, He would not (accuser) Judge by the sight of His, nor make decisions based on what He heard” (no gossip, mind seer defiling, demonic occult mind-reading, true humility, not a gossip or accuser, tale-bearer, nor would He (nor I) ever tolerate one.
SO, specifically led by the non Good Ole Father, the wholly HOLY Lord, I, this She, broke away of the charismatic prophetic asleep “no joy’ elite System. And I do not want to go back, for it’s a self-worshipping self-righteous envious cult. And my sr pastor father did not raise me to be such.
Because at THIS apostolic training ministry we care for the humans, (famous or not!) the many well-intentioned but whining many skilled Christ-following persons in these, but they are OFF and into accommodating Self-Righteous Charismatic, Name-Calling HOO DOO Psychic Witchcraft.
This is where and how Apostolic T learned that the Famous Follower Christians, who are heavily into Christian Demas Acquiring, Making it Big, Racing and Hurrying “to fullfill the Call of the Lord ” have NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE but them SELVES (zero fear of the Lord, no deep Eternal Salvation Deep Perspective, to this person, it was all about GOVERNING “TO GET THEIR OWN WAY!” all around the deep south metroplex.
“IF YOU want to be the Bible Belt,
then first you must remove the plastic buckle”**
**PS Also this saying ought to be taken at several leader levels for in the first 2 learning years, I realized that “fornication was accepted, And when I was “told” that a “born again Church attending, even Stage Ministry “couple” was living together and “married” …that they often were not.
During the first 2 years DFW front lines (not famous) But Newbie Grieving Loss of Husband, Expat First Year …I lost (by trusting and letting a fellow pastors’ fellow group “sr pastor” borrow) a ministry $1200 new Korg Keyboard, then later, with the Evangelist’s Grand son.. A full-sized ministry expensive Office Dell Computer,all of the software, expensive film editing and much more, also the ministry video recorder.. a years or so later, “the Close Friend, Official Christian Member of the Multi-Campus Mighty Mega Church’s “Saintly Married Couple/Man” the software in the big computer, a laptop, and a smaller video camera which I bought with the purposes of having a “MAN’S MINISTRY” and I got rooked each time but after that happened ..I went to the “OVERSIGHT” of MEGA, MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP CHAIN OF COMMAND, MOTHERS whose child had torn the computer apart and taken the camera AND EACH ONE stonewalled, gaslighted, and POWER BLOCKED ME.
KEY: even though it all piled up, in the amounts of ministry, real life money, in retrospect is ‘openly revealed the CHARACTER, TOYING DISRESPECTING FRUIT and THE MISOGYNY (take advantage of a weeping lone newbie, saved expat Ministry Leader, Founder of a Movement non celebrity, calm abiding FEMALE)
I shook the dirt of the Cross Carrying true prophet’s feet and moved on..but recall who, when, where and WHAT their Doctrines were, and these “clearly white charismatic faithfilled” ministry opportunists ,were among the several during that time period, out in DFW as a Newbie, who spawned the ironic ‘humor ”
and SWARMS OF CORN HUMOR www.swarmsofcorn.wordpress
The Root of All Willful Evil. SOMEONES $$$.
BOILING IT DOWN INTO “Abiding Relationship Theology” training:
Therefore, back in those awful times, I chose to redeem the time and the situation(s) I began to compile my own theology (all of these many ministry sites then followed)..”knowing that it would be used later to help train MANY” (The Maven of Apostolic Theology’s Life Motto
And it directly ties in with Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house ,those who labor, labor in vain”
..however, I am a big rest..so that is left open ended. Not going to name them, or their office group.
This was NOT just about $$$ it was about Putting YOUR SELF about a CHRIST CENTERED “RELATIONSHIP” who had dine with, trained, mentored and repeatedly Christian with over and over for a period of months
And THIS is DYSFUNCTIONAL LIFE OF mega, micro “betraying” modern Big Shot “persona” Grass Roots.
A Christian FRIEND, A Mother In Christ, an Elder Office, A Sr (all 5 fold offices)experienced Christian Minister, “Angel Very Unaware”(easy to devalue since your target is NOT FAMOUS?), A Woman, A Lone Expat who just lost her mate (ALL 5 FOLD) but who was also (to each and every one of these) ONLY “A LONE DEEP SOUTH MOTHER, LITTLE WOMAN, WHO HAD NO MAN BESIDE).
Q. Is there a “falling away” or a DRIVING THEM AWAY by this? Or a Holy fear of the Lord Godly remnant “submitting to the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5 and “FLEEING LYING DYSFUNCTION?”
ABOVE: Founded due to all of the Clueless Charismatic Circus Poor Me East Coast, 1990’s -Dallas, Ft Worth Crying Shame Ministry
For the Spiritual Eyeful: Read I Samuel 1 and 2
Each of the persons who took the Christian’s Ministry /Life Property and ducked, avoided, repeatedly stonewalled, catfished, accused is handed over to the Lord. I was “more than 3 times” and I understood that God had instructed me, that if something negative happened directly to me, or another in my presence, that it meant that this type of INCIDENT when on a lot more than that. And I truly know that is THE TRUTH. (USA white, black and brown)
So I call this as a type of prophetic “HANNAH” ON THE FRONT STEPS OF THE IMMORAL I SAMUEL CHRISTIAN ELI TEMPLE HIGH PRIEST HOOD “the money and women I Samuel repeated issues, Deep Southwest BIG TIME.
I noted it, wrote on it many times, and noted as the SERIES TITLE “The Compassion Fatigued Eli Temple High Priesthood “Boy Will Be LP Boys” “sly wink” (several years back www.taveauleader.com maybe 2013 (?)) I will try to dig it up.
Still, God is going to repay this Mama in Christ. And I expect, for the sake of all of these, they do this. Also, for the sake of the USA – RENEWAL, REPENTANCE, REVIVAL (the Harvest) – that my Mighty God is going to judge the many of these. Yet, God must do this, not myself. So I will not post the famous, non-famous ministry names of these. However, I soberly warn these, more due to Christian Ministry Playtime (only these same styles “charismatic”).
Plus, nobody wanted to hear anybody’s story, much less their grief, due to them being in Big Time Rapid Paced “big bucks” ministry. Thus, the country law spirit-filled “playing field” in the Christian culture and ministry was just that – “less than deep” – no holy fear of the Lord. Yet also with even huge “poor us victim” hurried big boss, mostly TV ministry, celebrity “elite” affected, a predatory subculture with another subculture and even “another subculture.” Their very own “we are always right” chief all-knowing ministry systems. High Horse, Show Biz, “Not contrite” and many maybe are “Reprobate.”
So, I watched all of that, took inward note, studied my Bible doctrines, and also these ministry cult-like Big Boys “used it” mean “opportunist” devaluing fruit. ABIDING RELATIONSHIP RESPECT and the EORR CHRISTIAN A.R.T. (Abiding Relationship Theology came out of this) for I had been raised by a senior pastor, being among senior pastors, ministry leaders prior to DFW Gatherings, all of my days, and had never expected or ‘seen’ such. It was a Country Law Unwritten Regal Rule. (I would be evaluated, over and over, as being such!)
I dubbed the vain subculture of “rip-offs” who talked the talk but who did not live up to Christ’s fruit and who seemed to be well-accepted, big-time favored by the other “white same style doctrinal set of Home Grown area persons” for these ducked, avoided, passed the buck, and blame-shifted, as the Vulture Culture. Usually, these appeared to have reprobate minds, but it is allowed as part of immature Christian, usually crazymatic deeply authoritarian, also tough turf. But I knew a lot at the important grassroots time, so I also sensed from their ministry dysfunction that they knew “the Bible” but they had never been trained on human people respect and deep value.
So, I Googled Merriam-Webster online dictionary, which gave the following informative, ironic, very spirited definition for the word “reprove” (which I fully enjoyed): “Reprove” can mean to tick off. However, sir preachers, I’m not sure that the dictionary shows that right now, but it really did back then! “The times they are a-changin'” – the area lone leader woman apparent sent to discover this thick, bit, real and present charismatic, targeting devaluing toxic big culture, as a stereotype and the litmus test (I Samuel 1, the Hannah on the steps of many a charismatic boss, time-wasting mean ministry).
Differing Ministry Subcultures will either make or break what is happening NEXT amidst the United States “Being Sifted’ Hip Society.
Signed, Sister Taveau (
This is a Submitted Selah Also, “only if any type of shoe fits ought anyone attempt to wear it!”
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A An office like Old Testament Atypical national Prophet, Judge, Honorable Deborah
Bro. Rod Parsley’s Reformation Bible states, “When God looks around the nation of His people and can’t find enough godly mighty men, He calls up the women.” I found that in DFW 2016, so I accepted the call of a Galatians 2:1-2 sent apostle.
ASSESS (non accuser) Judge it as just one more “foolish thing of the world, to confound the worldly wise” (mostly God’s many white people).
The way I see the word “apostle” is exactly like Paul wrote it, with a lowercase “a” denoting “servant leader,” not slave owner. I also recall that Apostle Paul wrote all first church offices as lowercase, denoting “servant leader,” which are “apostle,” “prophet,” “pastor,” “teacher,” and “evangelist” (even “bishop”). And that Paul himself described his office, himself as “the dung of the world,” “the off scouring” (which this is, and I am godly contented in being that).
PS It’s to teach a role model prototype in case of need by the future church (if this present group of gentrified squires, cult-owning, turf owners allows us to have a pure one).
Say it this way for those who are big into the submission authority group:
I am Miss T, Taveau, or Apostle, Pastor, Prophet, Teacher, or Witnessing Evangelist. Service leader office I is a sent Galatians 1:1-2 who is Ephesians 5:21 (as was in first church), mutually submitted in the fear of the Lord to all.
Sincerely, TJ “Taveau TD D’Arcy
“Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”… we need to celebrate that!
2008- one.. ABOVE Symbolic of the TCL, now CROSS BODY UNITY “3J2 LIFESTYLE” (3 John 2) WHICH CAME FROM THE WORST TIME IN DFW. 3 JOHN 2 “Beloved, I would that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers ” GIVE MY MIGHTY GOD THE CREDIT!
TD’s Eagle Memories: Taveau’s Christian Ministry Different Phases
1976:American Bi Centennial, at the start of what was called “charismatic renewal” after Jesus People calm servant leader, days…Sitting in 1/2 charismatic/ 1/2 intellectual Bible teaching very very grounded true church..one Sunday, God called to surf and study the USA Christian Ministry “Bible Believing” groups. I was told it be all races speaking in tongues and not, males and females, all styles.
With the intent: “to know their doctrines, red flag buzzwords, pet peeves, their worship and style.”
With the end time goal being “the purpose “to in the last days build bridges of understanding between the many different parts.”
Also, nothing in the Christian body, among God’s many diverse ministers, pastors, lay, big and small gatherings “Got my Attention in a Negative Way” (this prior to a lot of TV Media and the ongoing celebrity and Hollywood in our nation, “making it big” like today) DOCTRINES started to infiltrate the ministry grass roots and the TV viewing remnant and not..and as it grew and grew it began to shape the opinions, views, and ministry portrayals of Christ, “ministry” “offices’ “purposes” and Top Priorities in every day ordinary person.(more later another time about that)
1970-80’s, (prior being in ‘formal ministry) but later after she was called into her own ministry: 1980’s to and 90s’ Taveau was active in cross racial, inner city-suburban area gatherings for revival and repentance
1987 Her own public sr ministry, which as area wide, collaborating, equiping and praying, all of the Churches, God’s Move, the Police, Inner Revival and more. She writting her newsletter (back then prior to online) to selected pastors for whom she and her intercessionary meeting (men and women) would pray for. She also participated in “urban -suburban area, regional gatherings and was the Women’s Head for the Washington for Jesus Move (late 90’s) ENCOURAGING WORD was a Non-profit 501c3 called into public ministry first the Encouraging Word + Taveau D’Arcy Ministries (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
1992: Began to get songs from the Lord, became CCLI songwriter affiliate, gave many piano lessons, used Finale to make lead sheets, my first Korg keyboard to make MP3. See that side of me on https://www.celebrationofhiswordmusic.com
Mid 1990’s Taveau and another pastor took turns overseeing the Vietnamese Revival Church after the pastor died, his wife took over but then wanted to move away. So very enjoyable, TD tried to learn to speak Vietnamese, even bought Barnes and Noble, tapes, but was not her “gift” However, she really respected them and so enjoyed the about 1 1/2 years!
1996: A separate new non-profit 501c3 IFFM, the International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries, Ephesians 2:19-21 (which has laid dormant now due to “dysfunction” which I am now describing and will teach on tomorrow).
1996: Broke into the computer age, got my first PC, a Compaq with all of the many bells and whistles, but which crashed continually.
1999-2004: Went on local area TV in Central VA, used to use Adobe editing software which took hours to render (fond memory). PS This was back in the day when TBN and Tammy and many more were big on Christian TV. When I told my then teenage daughter that I was going on local TV, she said (and I will always remember), she said, “Mom, your hair is not tall enough to go on TV” (I had a laugh, LOVED that!).
2005-2020 Midyear DFW Experience “Daniel View of Christian Ministry Babylon” (if you recall the prophet Daniel felt for a while, after he witnessed so much. Same here, took this person removing out of that DFW and back to East Coast to comfy, kind, respectful and more diverse Charlotte Region for me to get over the trauma of the last several years of that trying demonic region). DISCLAIMER I loved TX, the big sky, the big thinking, the excellent gyms and the many “barista fellowships” and the nicer people who were “THERE” it was the locusts in the “Pretend wannabe type of ministry subculture which was the appalling dysfunctional, frivolous, trite, shallow and ‘hail fellow well met” subculture that was the Giant DFW Spirit Ministry EYE OPENER.
2006: CompUSA TX: Got my first Mac computer, what a huge gift and artist designer, blogger’s delight (no crashing). Also got a MacBook Pro and an iMac and each of them were great, never crashed, no viruses, and then both of them gave out at the same time (would not allow updates) but 10 (quality) years later!
2011: A short-lived non-profit, “OCFC” Organic Christ Following Community (forefunner of EORR Cross Body Unity). It was too chaotic in Dallas region for me to feel safe or to affiliate with the “crowd” that represented “the famous Christian Ministries.”
2012: Went online with many ministry blogs.
2015: Formation of DFW Leader Ministry “Online” Fellowship www.onlinefellowship.us . Now entering into its 9th straight year.
2019: DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship won the Best in Plano Award (which I felt was funny but enjoyed it as I had never felt so much deep demonic dysfunction, every single hour of every day, spiritual big warfare, as I did when I lived there. Note: It made me curious, each and every time I ponder it and I would think “The Church in this region has not been doing what it should, it could, or it might.”
2011…up to 2021-2023: Hearing God in Depth Reading the EORR Cross Body Unity Movement. Officially filed it 2023
“Let God’s MEN rise up and Lead” (long story about this “Deborah was called out after God looked around the nation of His people and could not find enough MIGHTY GODLY MEN” (so said Pastor Rod Parsely’s Notes about Prophet Judge Deborah in his “REFORMATION BIBLE” (PLEASE KEEP CALM…I have much more to say regarding ALL OF THIS but not now (KNEE JERK REACTIONS AT THE SIGHT OF A WOMEN LEADER. PLEASE, I’VE SUFFERED ENOUGH) (PS You are not forced to READ or VIEW!!)
NOTE Just as Bishop TD Jakes (way back 2004 ish)used to have a “woman’s branch of his ministry,” so this Apostle TD has a man’s ministry (usually more than women, historically). Reason “she is not a bit biased, and sees each of them as humans first, not as objects or things like the Christian seem to always do (not accusing all men, for the ones in my safe network are not like that). But TD also has woman leaders current SR office ministry.
And as a wild prophetic prophet, apostle, evangelist and quality big family many, area pastor(prior to Dallas) once remarked:
“Taveau God keeps His prophets in caves, and when He needs them to come out..He brings them out” And so be it as it is TIME for the (by charismatic dysfunction and abuse,demonic control and much unwanted subterfuge, THIS prophet has now come forth.
FOR NOW…TD does ministry consulting, gives theology tutoring, worship tutoring, impartations, “iron sharpens iron” to Christian leadership. Contact crossbodyunity@gmail.com
VOICE: Office phone: 803-792-7070 leave all info, contact, purpose of call. IF God’s Spirit directs us to contact back SHE will, but if not, She it isn’t personal, but she runs very busy, and sensed it was not the ” time.”
A P.S. The number of people who fully believe that their Bible training movement doctrines, views are “God’s only methods” thus making everyone who has a different perspective “a wicked false teacher” is just what I came out of after being in mega witch watching, avoiding big shot Bible thumping and seeing those many monetized videos online bashing those with whom they never once chatted. I respectfully made an appointment with to discuss their reasons, God’s directions, and theology. See Matthew 18:15, 16 Meek Galatians 6:1
I am a God “sent” apostle Galatians 1:1-2 like a Paul “not sent out by any one person or group” (due to false teaching, witchcraft, control, and domination, mean piggish bias). And like a Paul, sent CROSS BODY UNITY “by Holy Spirit” Divine Appointment.
And I have researched all Bible First Church Authority, men and women in ministry and marriage. Chat GPT AI remarked that “all First Church were servant leaders,” mutually submitted in the fear of the Lord like Jesus, the 12 apostles, Paul, and more (and my Baptist office parents, their parents, and myself and many who are not ‘religious right’ like these).
If, when God sends me a human mate, a loving, Christian man, who is a Lapitdoth to this worldwide Deborah, then he will be the head of home and we together will Ephesians 5:21 “mutually submit to one another (defer) and make the decision TOGETHER of what THIS Christian Ministry will be. I will also “Ephesians 5:22 submit to a husband.
However, after I have seen so much infantile controlling LP Ministry, I will not rush to settle for just any Christian man. “Better to live in the corner of an attic than with a weak whiner, a passive-aggressive dysfunctional dominator, or a “yes man” (not weak, so I don’t want to be their mother). I need a real man’s man who makes ME feel like HIS weaker, cherished vessel. OR ELSE I am 1 Timothy 6:6 “Godly content and peaceful, so why rock that happy boat?
And in the light of screaming Bible thumpers who make TMZ tabloid Christian “anti-female” and Book of Acts “diverse,” I reply:
The Cross Body Unity Movement is set up with NO MEMBERS, it is by Divine Appointment and I am NOT over “YOU.” YOU are also NOT OVER ME. Just because you are a ministry man or leader woman, I am “Galatians 1:1-2 as none of YOU were sent to do what this (non-hireling) person was sent to do, YOU do not have the role model for another form of government, which this is and which this person DOES.
It is an ongoing chief apostolic REVEALED (downloaded) new move, but is OPT IN and OPT OUT, no official “members” so just use this as a DIFFERENT CHRISTIAN BIBLE BELIEVING OFFICE PERSPECTIVE. We, it, I are not coming to ‘displace,’ ‘to govern over,’ ‘to seek your monies,’ or ‘to take your people.’ Rather, this is about PURE FRUIT and a PAULINE EPHESIANS 4 “Body of Christ” ready for His Return and also COMMUNITY which is transformed. (WHY BOTHER WITH THIS?? Because the Bible says, through Paul, that SOCIETY IS AFFECTED when the CHURCH IS TRANSFORMED. SEE EPHESIANS 4… then DO IT and TRAIN IT!
NOTE: I intentionally give all messages as SELAHS… to pause and consider, to Bible evaluate, then to make your own decision to do it or not. I am not in charge of YOUR Christian Ministry. YOU are to remain in YOUR God’s assigned movement, fellowship, or out of a fellowship. ALL ARE VIEWED AS the same and equal in EORR Cross Body Unity.
Why when the authoritarians and seer totalitarians “Big Boss” Evil Eye Eli’s(I Samuel 1-2)… began to rise and become highly powerful, and their continually nosy busybody forcing their false authority over more silent, gentle servant leader ones of us who were not a member of their church, pastor’s group, or peer network (or family), and instead they started to vilify, spread accuser tales, amidst jumping persons in a public setting (which I was 3 times in 30 years by surprise in micro and mega… without any relationship to confirm… no warning, zero face-to-face private Paul Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15 “confrontation” (disrespectful false authority out of order, also entitled slave master abuse… haranguing and word cursing, gossiping and harassing (most all charismatic at the local levels, mega, too), the bloom fell off the rose as I knew more, since my Christian senior pastor father was NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. and I knew better.
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C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved international copyright laws
Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). (www.relationshiptheology.org)...Apostolic EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND ALL..no matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)