ALL,  Authority,  False Teachings,  Ministry Character





The LP are the Christian Ministry “patriarchy ” and we will deal with JUST the born again Bible Believing ministries, no other faith or secular group meaning.

THIS NOTE: We are “pro” the LP humans. They are very gifted, wise, and bright. Yet, when they overstep their authority boundaries and attack, demean, abuse, shame, and embarrass, target, pray against, use white witchcraft (abusive, false witness, tale bearing, Judas false authority), put many on “witch lists,” and intermingle Christ with false religion. In addition, these never choose to relate (1 John 1:7, Isaiah 1:18, Ephesians 5:21, 4:1-3), relate to respectfully dialogue, nor do these ever biblically one-to-one, in private confront. Also, if it controls many persons who are not in their official authority (leader fellowship, ministry, group chain of command), it warrants biblical correction.

At the Local Ministry Deep Grass Roots many levels. According to Scripture  if one is kept controlled by pressure, spirit of fear, legalistic accusation, that is the use of FALSE AUTHORITY and passed down country Law tradition. It also reeks of dysfunction, And apostle Paul gives 2 escape “flee from” commands (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Timothy 6:5. However, it is up to YOU after you pray.

AGAIN, I have witnessed the non servant abuse of this, and need to REPEAT that (white, brown, black, either gender)”has” to follow their ministry accusations to “submit” to anyone other than the Lord, the Bible, their spouse unless and until we (you, I) officially sign on to be “under them” as one of their members.

Signed, the prophet, chief apostle of the diverse EORR CROSS BODY UNITY Now Move,

Sister Taveau*

* Who serves all ministry wise leadership as a teaching apostle, Galatians 1:1-2, was not sent out by any one person or any one group (to be impartial, to serve the Christian body, to train, speak, give wise counsel, to consult and to “be there for whoever” by Holy Spirit “divine appointment”). Signed as a caring person who is submitted to all in Ephesians 5:21, which is First Church “differing, reading, respecting leader boundaries, compassionate “1 John 1:7 relationship” big methods, Apostle Paul, as confirmed by Chat GPT AI, summer 2023.

And, for the many LP Submissionites, there is no such thing as First Church Bible “Covering” in First Church. (If you Google “covering,” it comes up as “God’s love covers a multitude of sins.”) Therefore, it was all “chain of command servant leadership, offices, lay, marriage, and no Big I, Little You,” which Paul chastised in 1 Corinthians 1, 3 “as divisive.” Rather, this is pro one EORR Ephesians 4 “transformed,” peaceful, non-PC pure community.


“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..” Philippians 2:12 Apostle Paul
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright (non Levitical) laws


PART 1…EACH OF OUR OWN “USA” COLLECTIVE  HISTORY (MEDIA, PERSONS, LOCAL MINISTRIES? NOW YOUTUBE)….OF THE GNARLED BONY FINGER OF THE  PURITAN. “YOU’RE UNSUBMITTED” ..and the HARLOT SPYING, “YOU’RE  A JEZEBEL! (or culturally modern) ..A MINI SKIRT WEARING VIXEN…A TRAMP…A HARLOT”..which is the “( “I Gotcha” “We caught YOU”) TONE  of the most vocal LP BIBLE THUMPER (said Pharisee) and accustomed” SIN SPYER” “STYLE” (all these usually seem to me… like Country Law Grads of the “way up in the holler” “Mountain William School of Theology”…which is the Business Minding Empire  and presumptious, genuflecting major  Hotbed of all the many  PHD’s in judicious, somber,  LP Knee Jerk Reaction, witch watching…’evil eye” and “Caught Ya” Proud Religion which is in and around America Today!)


ALL OF OUR GROWN UP  LIVES..THE VIVID ECHOES OF BIBLE THUMPERS..(includes picketers at funerals, hate speech, more)


Believers in Levitical Patriarchism think that God has called them to far off accuse a person from another movement whom they have never once spoken to. It presumes many as “historical stereotypes, based on their own cultural, a lot of back in the day, farm history.

The far-away Pharisees in USA America, seeing the fashionable, non-LP attractive, and single mother at the corner store, and feeling “their own lusts stirred” within themselves, are ashamed and embarrassed, for they are immature and LP infantile, have no clue about women or real life. So next they turn accusing and murmur among themselves, “She’s a loose woman… I believe she’s looking for a man.”

Next, they band together in their small-minded “Levitical law” (Bible beat down), also “cultish religion.” All of these small-thinking, religious, Western European deep ancestry, Levitical patriarchal “law” (usually personality of the big boss) (maybe slave owner) totalitarian, country law objectifying, “in prominence,” yet each is a similar accuser male. And to make themselves feel superior, they start to circulate rumors which defile her, label her, and brand her, even bark at her, “You hussy, you trollop, you harlot.”

The Book of the Law in First Church now Christian days “accuses” “Levitical means critical” in the Christian sense. Similar USA Puritan LP style.

This is the same dark LP spirit behind “hate speech,” “racism,” minimizing Christians in many fellowships, having the top dog elite with lesser peons (big little you). It’s looking for flaws because it does not like itself or persons who look like persons who hurt them, long before.

I believe this spirit came over on the New England WELP patriarchs who held the Salem Witch Trials, who may have picked that up from the German Monk who held the Witch Inquisition and who wrote the book “Hammer of the Witch” (Maleus Maleficarum), which is now on Amazon. (WELP and WELM are both anti-woman.) I believe WELP are sexually loose or have had leader female issues in the past before they got saved, so they have real weakness but are too weak to admit and get healed, delivered. Thus, they accuser blame shift over onto women, as they feel scared of losing their self-control.

This ties in with homosexuality, gay community as it is the same thing (hypocrite and loud accusing, diatribes of Bible beatdowns and fear of their own self and known sin.

See 1 Samuel 1-2, Eli and both of his playtime ministry big boss sons, and see what I call out now as similar human but also the high office mostly WELP sins.

And we all have heard of the preacher who loudly accuses the homosexual and the shameful fornicator from the pulpit, making a big show of it, when later it gets reported how these are guilty of the same exact type of thing:

  1. LP is in denial.(blind, full of it’s self, stuck in the deep grass roots ill raised “poor us’ ambitions, name calling Big Boss ministry style
  2. LP refuses to Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians, any person in private, but instead chief names calls in public, rumors, and gossips about “many” in private.
  3. LP are not servant leaders but believe the Lord has put them over each of us to rule, name our sin, never ever respectfully relate and to go online and make many expose videos (which are monetized).
  4. The LP overstep their Christian authority by never confronting the theology of a completely different move of God. Why? Because they were raised that they “are the way, the truth, the life,” that anyone not just like them are “evil sinners” and “ought be reviled, named as false, and accused based on rumor, looks, gender, Book of Acts vs not, and energy,” mostly evangelical pure intentioned Bible thumpers attack Holy Spirit Book of Acts (far more diverse, and moving in worship) than they.

I have seen the WELP who are non-Book of Acts single out and vilify well-known charismatic non-LP top Christian professional ministry women (who are white like themselves) but who move in the Holy Spirit. All are married and in a non-WELP tongue Bible-teaching move. This troubles me as I see how the LP overlook the facts that each woman is Ephesians 5:21/22 with her husband and it is evident that the wife is submitted to the husband and that he allows, likes her to be out in public preaching.

So the point: Who put these harlot spies and accuser authoritarians over these leader women who are 1) in a different Bible theology move, 2) whose husbands are fine with the wife in Christian ministry? How can they care overstep a couple’s marriage vows by singling out the leader women, openly targeting her (all 3 and more), and believe that is their right? Out of Bible proper authority!

People (according to the Bible) must the right to decide their Bible theology and then to Apostle Paul “work out their own salvation” and not be disrespected, demeaned, made a laughingstock of, or harassed, mocked, targeted as that resembles the fruit of the accuser serpent (devil).

PS SAYING AGAIN..those individuals picketing funerals a few years back were maybe dysfunctional but out order but with traces of LP.

Hate speech again is sinister weak LP, lesser but still “under the OT accuser law”:

  1. “They are church hoppers!”
  2. They are not submitted (like we are) to an LP area pastor.
  3. They are not going to church.(Like US)
  4. They are not an official member of a church (like we are!).
  5. That woman is not “covered” by a white LP (I Google ‘covering in the New Testament’ there is no such thing. There is only “God’s love covers a multitude of sins.” There is, however, Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” (for all in Christian community) with a married ‘chain of command’ (for those who want to abide by the Bible) in Ephesians 5:22.

Note: There is such a thing a prayer covering (getting enough prayer) and for being “accountable to another in Christian ministry” (safety in a multitude of (God hand-picked) counselor. But it’s not to be “controlling” or lording it over as that would be LP.

Hebrews 5:14 (KJV): “But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

DISCERNMENT OF the Top Dog LP Spirit
Western European Levitical Patriachism , L Matriarchism..

Embedded Levitical Patriarichism (my apostolic training term)is a huge demonic religious spirit, effected governing “covering” teaching which is deeply entrenched in the (usually solid white) I

It is biased “cultural” and accepted, handed down from several big generations, maybe since the Midieval  Ages or before…and all LP patriarchal (under the Law, many ministry men) are stuck in this old-timey rut. Mormons are definitely in this, but I am not called to doctrinally discuss or correct them. No, I am called to “born again, Holy Bible-believing Christians, all colors.” However, this strain of teaching and (many) followers stem from my own Caucasian race, American, Western European, mainly stemming from Puritan Colonial, back under the Old-timey Law, even mingled in with the white primitive country hills (saying it as my submitted Selah based on decades of deep study).

MAJOR POINT: Bible beat-down LP can be mostly evangelical (not calmly against the Book of Acts Holy Spirit, moving in the gifts, non-traditional worship). Well-intentioned, surely, these are also my present nightmare on media, for they call out famous ministers and show their faces, houses, and repeatedly make money off of many “tabloid shock-style” ministry videos (it started what is now is a huge for-profit accuser, attack similar genre).

However, these are just “symptoms” assessed “fruits” thus I call you to look at the fruit and not name call “leader, fellow Book of Acts known names.”

And. while I list the general, some specific, leader”Fruit” findings.. there is no formula as Life if filled with exceptions. And many are extremely polite and yet quietly legalistic, accusing, underneath, and also many are immature, unschooled and simply brought in it and around by from toddler hood onward.

It’s a deep deep grass roots experienced many NICE “subculture” but  after to conform to Ephesians 4 “community’ ‘diverse”

DEFINITION: while males and females, all mature Christian big ages..of all races, types can be perceived as wise ‘patriarchs” and “matriarchs’ (which I define as wise, stable, anchor dispositions in a tribe, family, ministry, business) ..this is NOT “unhealthy” “The female, money abuse can occur can occur in each race, in every style of ministry and in non Christians, also

But I am correcting the white LP for the sake of the Lord and HIS End Time Pure Harvest, also PRO “Ephesians 4 Community”

Yet when one ads in ‘doctrines, demonic occult, to dominate and control or have false religion, THAT IS Levitical Patriarchism

(TD”s amazing unfolding, interesting, surprising, ongoing Up Close study since the late 1980’s)


PLUS MORE LATER on the(following) LP Bible Roots which are the following


In the King James Version, Genesis 49:5-7 reads:

“Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self-will they digged down a wall. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”

GENESIS LEVI…FIRST LP ..Levi (dysfunctional youth, bitter toward his mother, mother’s rival) he was the less favored (middle son of six) the doe eyed, Leah, the less attractive, unfavored, not duly respected, First Wife of Jacob.(later renamed ISRAEL).. Levi grew up with a big ANGER problem.

Perhaps the deeply insecure, future Elder.. Levi resented his mother was not respected of well loved like Rachel.Also big time deeply resented his father, for loving Rachel and her children MORE. In Levis’ dysfunctional household, during his youth, he and his brother were notorious murderers. and mean retaliators, who usurped the wise Patriarch’s authority to slaughter a neighbor tribe..(MORE LATER this is synopsis and minister TD will do the “Dysfunctional Psychological ministry profile ..but after a while..)(later Elder Levi must’ve met the Lord, for he became the Old Testament wise Patriarch of the tribe of Levi, who produced many servants in God’s house, musicians and temple workers.

CHRIST  was not descending from the Tribe of Levi (meaning on his Mother Mary’s side) Leader Jesus came “servant leader” TRIBE OF JUDAH “agricultural, means “to plough”… and in some ministry teachings “to plough  with PRAISE”) (more later)

Also many years ago, someone stated how “Jesus came to PLOUGH UP” our human  hearts and minds.”

LP SAUL…LP King Saul(attacking, kingly aggressive, targeting, used occult (I Samuel) dysfunctional, gifted but deeply oppressed) targeted God’s New Move King David


LP ELI AND BIG BOSS SONS:  I Samuel 1-3 Eli and Ministry Sons offices (judged due to the many LP mega office sins (accused, used, abused leader women and God’s holy offering, Top Office Eli, was clubby indifferent so God wiped them out) “devalue attending many people, mainly LONE appearing weeping women)


LP PHARISEES: New Testament LP Pharisees (accuser targeted Messiah, Jesus “God’s New Move”)”TD Mega LP Point; Christ and the LP Pharisees who “caught the women in adultery, and were ready to stone”HER” but they let the adulterous LP man get off scot free. CHRIST on the other hand said “Go and sin no more.” (LP Trait) (the women, due to Eve’s fall .however, this person trains that in deep minute depth ADAM participated willfully as he had told by GOD “not to eat from the tree” BEFORE Eve was formed! (lots more later on that)

LP SAUL…. FIRST CHURCH TORAH THUMPING (before he gloriously met the Lord, got saved and became mature)  Apostle Paul.

More later on this..


First..we never want to use “blanket formula and stereotypes (for that is what a lot, most of these do) Rather we walk the higher path and “observe’ the professing as Christians “Fruit” and we need to Assess, to Evaluate….but NOT use “Accusation” (also see how their ‘relationships’ match with the James 3:17 “fruit” listed as “the wisdom coming from above” (which I name: pure, peaceable,easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy”….

( I would dare mention that the “‘good fruit” must align with Apostle Paul’s “fruit of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23) which are “love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, meekness., self control) The RESPECT for ALL kinds, colors, genders and styles of God’s people are crucial in all of this..for these profess to be “Christian” “born again” persons..

I SUBMIT THAT in doing this..we must  EACH as a human person “alone” for their own blessed FRUIT.

Also each MINISTER, MINISTRY, CHURCH, CELL., GROUP, MINISTRY BUSINESS..(not formula or stereotyping..however, reminding all again, for that is what THESE LP always tend to DO)


BASIC ASSESSMENT : Overt or Two Signs of Covert

OVERT: (be it “overt” (“public” mostly LOUD…Bible Thumping, shaming, name calling, shouting ..accusing, ministry vilifying, worst ..It’s a Spectrum, from milder LP to ‘extreme worst” examples. The WORST is jumping ( which I  3times experienced in the over 25 years of being God SENT to study this) MEANING  a person who merely sits there, attends, never acts out, is ‘prophetically accused, “diagnosed’ as ‘wicked’ yet..these are   never spoken to, no leader care enough, is Saved Deeply Enough to walk over, give them the respect of getting to know, and standing there in JOHN 1:7 to  dialogue. Reason, this is all their Business. not a true Church for they own persons, govern them and take up their offerings, this is the ELI TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD in action, “empathy fully free, all about submission, being ministry cult owned and much mantled man pleasing.. FRUIT missing all, any  Godly holy  fear of the Lord. Usually it’s missing an Eternal Doctrine emphasis. It’s often “elite’ “do not question the top leader” or you will have hell to pay.

NO AUTHENTIC “RESPECT” FOR RELATIONSHIPS…FIRST.. FOR GOD, THE MANY  PEOPLE,  plus HIS CORE SALVATION END TIME MESSAGE (it’s usually all about “aquiring, retaining, collecting ministry money.” Frankly,  it’s about SELF “our turf, our 4 and no more”  and is the Pauline warned LAST DAYS PERIL, the following  2 Timothy FLEE FROM anti the Christ 2 Dysfunctional “Friendly Fire’ Barking orders Ministry, )

2 Timothy 3:1-5:
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

1 Timothy 6:5:
“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”


Covert ONE..are the Big Boss Cronies… ” be it clandestine, undermining, hiding, slay,…”covert “the unspoken law of Big Boss cronyism to control to ward off many different persons usually “types’ “big styles” they do not want. (presumably to guard their money?)


The Projecting Paranoid: “Us against Them” which is the USA ministry (like these) FAR OFF DEEP SCAN(MIND READ?) TARGET, PRAY AGAINST: Also the ‘deeply intuitive “prophetic LP use may appoint many deep scanners to “read us” “search us by a spiritual divining psychic or “GUESSING” occult (abusive false authority) remaining very far off and relying on “mind, soul,inner vibe and may race, gender “reading’

ACTUALLY, THIS  IS MY  BONE TO PICK with these  seen as ‘closeted, sinister” and mostly turf guarding, controlling and/or popular worship “cult” inner perceiver-discerner style (These latter disregard “real relationships’ as in “the mind reading seer opposite of my self and of I John 1:17 “if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin.”

ONLY FOR THESE WHITE WELP do I have to spell it out.(for nobody reads me even while they market themselves as “TOP OFFICE PROPHETS” (WELP is WOE ISAIAH 5:2)….for they many are dumb and accuser blind, “accustomed” to “ruling over all” but I wisely assess the rude character, doctrinal evil eye fruit..which is the “from such Turn away from Pauline commanded Big Following. (more from 2 Timothy 3:1-5 above, I Tim 6:5 also)  accuser LEGALIST, Big Boss and LOOKING FOR MANY DEVILS...

Which is my office, when visiting,guest speaking, attending, also  personal, ministry heavenly Heavenly OPPOSITE…as this person is very up front, forthright not complex, doctrinalLy wise, emotionally mature, deeply experienced and raised by senior office pastoral kind NOT LP ministry. I sit there (FYI) in James 3:17 friendly, calm, approachable, Top Professional (non LP) kind Fruit (no hidden agendas EVER!)


However, despite all of that..each one of the has a Bible “right” to do what they want to” In fact, I stand by ‘their rights” that according Apostle Paul, Ephesians 4″Common Doctrine’ and primarily in Philippians 2:12 “to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling”.

Each and every one of Jesus Followers, all of God’s People have an office right to do that

Also, I am not their boss. God is..

And this nice non accusing, yet not indifferent person, also refuses to call these out as persons, leaders, fellow Christians. Also, I refuse to target them, publicly berate them..

Nor do I choose to make TMZ tabloid-style licentious videos or put their faces and names out there or their ministries. Also, if you wish to be under their LP submission theology, governed by and through their cult control, that is your business, not mine. Just keep your sane wits about you and have an escape plan. They get to work out their own salvation just like you and I do.

Apologies, in all truth, I cannot recommend where I would not go (risk being occult-targeted, defiled) and where it’s 2 Timothy 3:1-5 / 1 Timothy 6:5 tawdry, unsafe fruit.

Meaning, like I often recommend other fellow ‘non-dysfunctional,’ respectful ministries, non-fault-finding, mature churches, no matter how talented and wonderful their fine arts worship.

No, due to the 2 Timothy 3:1-5, false authority (meaning biased, subliminal witchcraft ‘use of occult,’ not with the false demonic doctrines immersed in that fraught big boss-type subculture. Many of the partial fruits of accuser white-biased LP are found to be misogynist, biased, racist, Psalm 115:4-8, seems top priority money, power, status, desire to be famous, versus the regular ordinary human folks.

There is LP Bible historic relationship primal disrespect mentioned in 1 Samuel. The immature big boss Eli and his two ‘boys can do no wrong,’ dull and blind, callous, wicked nature, the Levitical patriarchy, back then, as currently, turns a blind eye to the libidinous ‘wink-wink,’ ‘boys are just being boys,’ akin to Eli’s two infamous, widely recognized senior ministry sons (1 Samuel 1-3) who did not respect office relationships: the eternal creator, maker God, their own high top governing office, the women, or God’s holy offering. These were fully minus a deep holy fear of the Lord (the beginning of wisdom). Plus, there was a double standard for the ministry men versus the women, which still is a hallmark prophetic fruit today.

WE REPEAT: I am not against the human persons, just the leader-accusing, character, white witchcraft, choosy fruit. For is not James 3:17, without partiality, pure, or very easily entreated? Also, again, being heaven’s advocate as the time is increasingly short and these are desperate times.

BASED ON 48 PLUS YEARS OF THE USA CHRISTIAN MINISTRY BODY DOCTRINAL DISCOVERIES which Taveau was called to do in 1976, age 24 in Central VA and on America’s Bi Centennial when it was during the very calm gentle servant leader Jesus Person followed by “charismatic renewal” (pre Celebrity, all mega, media advertising type of days)

LP is BIG on “SUBMISSIONISM” yet it’s all white LP MEN over EVERY ONE and feminine women,leader women (who are not authoritarian spying LP Matriarchs) women are “suspected, rumored all about…vilified and LP used” “it’s deeply misogynist, “the Boys Club of Christian (a Demas…mostly money and ambition, and frankly MOST of charismatic well known, big influence mainly media.

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

TD consults Christian ministers can discuss this theology as it is huge and subtle and in the Book of Acts and not the only reason to help build Ephesians 4 community and defrag leader accusation at


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(C)2024 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)