Pause + Selah



“RELATIONSHIP WORSHIP” is my term for singing directly TO the Lord, not praising, clapping and/or singing praise choruses, hymns ABOUT Him.


GOD’S RELATIONSHIP…HIS ABIDING PRESENCE, PEACE, POWER, “manifested anointing, Holy Spirit realm “eternal abiding Glory”, also revealed word, heart new understanding, inner restful vision,etc.

This globally famous song is from the 80’s and now today we have many more that go even deeper but this is to build bridges of new understanding between prophetic ministry GENERATIONS.


Some worship leader (maybe at a late 90’s Don Potter or Leonard Jones, Morningstar Worship conference) once commented “when the majority of the folks in the congregation, plus the musicians, have pure hearts, and are earnestly praising, worshipping the Lord, …if He is pleased..He responds by sending His anointing (refreshing, peace, quickening, empowering, and/or healing, etc).
I truly admire that concept!!


HINT: The thoughts are focused on the RELATIONSHIP with the Living Lord and also singing it Ministry TO Him , akin to singing a LOVE SONG to the Lord…

Once again, all heart, mind focus is upon the LORD not about getting anything back from Him. (adoration) thus really ponder the lyrics. It’s getting us ready for Eternal Life in His Omnipotent Life Giving Presence!

(C) 1981 Wayne Perrin and Cathy Perrin


(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)