Ministry Relationships,  Pause + Selah,  Relationships







Reverend M. Kimball Johnson, Jr. Taveau’s dear beloved ever faithful joyful Dad! Now up with his lifelong wife, Taveau’s mother, both enjoying heaven.
Miley Kimball Johnson Jr (father school superintendent, mother a school teacher, country doctors daughter) who was reared in (back then) postage stamp size Dallas, GA,..his quiet respecting, not a bit biased, calm name began to become “renown” when out in Dallas, Texas vast charismatic LP Big Shot all wise region.  It made me value him even more, for who he WAS and who he wasn’t. Not one bit back UNDER the Old Timey Country Levitical Letter of the Law. And to him and to both his parents, and the Lord most high I am eternally grateful.
Being immersed a great DEEP DEEP Southwest contrast, made me re-evaluate my life, where I’d come from and ‘what” was discovering. Yet ,it all due to God’s grace and I did not deserve it, nor could those other Christian”(professing to be ) men. Yet they can improve, if they want to..and I can also improve and reprove and try to resemble my own gifted, patient,ever servant leader, and highly intellect and above all a healthy role model of Christ, both on and off the pulpit stage.
For,  yes my deep south particular Dad   honored and beloved my Mother..and was a “one woman man” (which is what I am accostomed to) and in hindsight, they dwelled together in Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord”  and no big deal v.22
And they were a happy merry bright Christian Couple who were  both together colaborers, ministry, life collaborators a tad of happy bon vivants and both worked to complement each others weaknesses strengths and were both hands on effective guarding ,wise fun parents,….mature smart micro ministry ..servants of God and “friends’ …because each of parent hand come from similar..and that is all that I can recall from her mother’s marriage, his mothers, and basically the majority of  my extended genuine accepting, low key yet high functioning, pure hearted pure living Bible believing calm family
I was raised well loved, cherished, protected and  respected, I was regarded by each of them,plus family as a “human’ first..not ‘a girl,” or “a no second rate diminished female.  Also, this wise minister NEVER not not EVER  heard even “one” racist, mean, biased, gossiping, accuser, or blasphemous word at any time ever… in my parents, extended families Bible believing  homes
Thus I am writing an article today and nearly every day, ONLY due to this God’ granted ‘respect for ALL persons’ wise example and only due to God’s grace.  So owe him and many of them GREAT LOVE, HONOR and GENUINE many THANKS
So how can I be any other way?
Good is GOOD!


MY FATHER WAS A LEADER but not a PATRIARCH. He was a smart loving deep south Daddy. Tall and slim, 6:4 and a Godly real man.

Furthermore, my Daddy was not a member of ministry Boys Club or a Good Ole Boy Showbiz Playtime he was not a Demas…NOR a Boys Will Be Boys user of wine, women and song (that would be ELI I Samuel)

A PATRIARCH (or a Matriarch)  according to this myself.. is a  Myers Briggs (or similar) personality “TYPE” of human person. Which I picture as healthy , stable, fair and an strong authority, anchor disposition”meaning of  a family, a group, a clan, or  a ministry or business .

But the KEY WORD IS HEALTHY …and  all of this should  be PRAISED)


LEVITICAL PATRIARCH ..false teaching, prone to overseer Pharisees, all white males over the rest of us non LP…mostly back under the Law, many deeply misogynist ‘respecter of persons” and can be clubby,  turf owning (all when saying they represent First Church and Christ”

HENCE,due to this.. I am writing the lengthy ‘THE AI AND I”  ARE YOU SUBMITTED? which is  growing series on starting around June 9 and will go up to AT LEAST Part 10 eventually. (a resource)

SEE T’S song parody “THE ODE TO WELP” a take of of  Frank Sinatra’s “CALL ME IRRESPONSIBLE..which I did per frustration…” due to her  own up close experience with the artful cunning Judas Leviathan, ambitions warring python, which I name now as A JEZEBEL SPIRIT in the Christian Body(Hence as the top leader of this ministry, I Church of Thyatira CONFRONT but do not call out their names or groups though I wish to warn  them and others, that God is not going to stand for ‘Christian witchcraft” in these Last Days Harvest “pure Bride of Christ Move” (getting for His SOON RETURN)


MEMBER OF THE PATRIARCHY  ..mostly strict, basically  barking orders, using traditional ministry stereotypes, over ALL of us, women are lesser and diminished. This is usually authoritarian and used to having their way. May be totalitarian and “one size fits all” clubs, clans, cults, witchcraft to control) not all, but part.

Here is a CHAT GBT Ai non biased generic big societal defnition:

  1. The Patriarchy: The patriarchy refers to a social system or structure where men hold primary positions of power and dominance over women in various aspects of society, including politics, economics, culture, and family. It encompasses the traditional gender roles, norms, and expectations that favor men over women, perpetuating inequalities and gender-based discrimination.

** NOTE we are not discussing “chain of command” or “headship”
of a family, ministry, business or organization and /or strong authentic pure authority ..which is an offshoot of a leader character.

No, This is about “Christian fellowship divisiveness which ‘targets” and “controls”.”is anti any type, race, gender, appearance of person…which is a reflection of Born Again ministry “character.And it is also a sign of whether the head sr persons are 1. mature 2.non biased and 3. in authentic Bible authority “order”

Taveau wants to know from Chat GBT Ai (to be impartial)

Q. Where does the term “Good Old Boys” “the Boys Club ” and ‘Boys will be Boys ” come from in USA popular terms?


(Dr T mentions these in the Christian ministry context. as they promote “exclusivity’ “painful bias’ produce a cult spirit to control and they minimize certain “types, classes or gender, races of human persons”

Plus they all have a spirit of ‘division” and to “control”..which are  against Bible Ephesians 4 “Equal Unity in a Born Again Saved Community” ‘(THEIR WAY VERSUS GOD’S WAY”

A. The Ai Answers:

The terms “Good Old Boys,” “The Boys Club,” and “Boys will be Boys” are idiomatic expressions commonly used in the United States. They have emerged from different cultural contexts and have specific meanings and connotations:

  1. “Good Old Boys”: The term “Good Old Boys” is typically used to refer to a group of men who have a long-standing friendship or association, often based on shared experiences, similar backgrounds, or common interests. It can convey a sense of camaraderie, exclusivity, and sometimes even imply a level of privilege or favoritism. It is most commonly associated with informal social networks or influential male networks, often in rural or traditional settings.
  2. “The Boys Club“: “The Boys Club” is a phrase used to describe a setting or organization predominantly composed of men. It suggests an environment or group that is male-dominated, excluding or limiting the participation of women. It is often used in a critical or negative sense to highlight issues of gender inequality or the lack of diversity and inclusivity.
  3. “Boys will be Boys”: This expression is often used to excuse or dismiss certain behaviors, especially when it comes to boys or young men, based on the assumption that such behavior is inherently typical or expected. It implies that certain actions or behaviors are just a natural part of male behavior, regardless of their appropriateness or consequences. However, this phrase has been increasingly criticized for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and excusing behavior that can be harmful or disrespectful.

It’s important to note that the origins of these phrases can be traced to different cultural contexts, including regional, social, or gender dynamics in the United States. Over time, their usage and connotations have evolved and can vary in different contexts and individuals’ interpretations.

Q. What is cronyism ? how does it relate with “The Boys’ CLub” and “Good Ole Boys and “Boys will be boys”
The Ai Answers:

A. Cronyism refers to the practice of favoring one’s close friends, associates, or relatives in professional or political appointments or business dealings, regardless of their qualifications or merits. It involves the use of personal relationships and networks to secure advantages or privileges.

Cronyism can relate to phrases like “The Boys’ Club,” “Good Ole Boys,” and “Boys will be Boys” in the following ways:

  1. “The Boys’ Club” and “Good Ole Boys“: These terms often connote exclusive social networks or organizations that are predominantly composed of men. These networks can foster an environment of cronyism, where members prioritize the interests of their close associates or friends over others, often resulting in unequal opportunities and favoritism. In such settings, decisions and opportunities may be influenced by personal relationships rather than objective criteria.
  2. “Boys will be Boys“: This phrase has been used to excuse or dismiss certain behaviors exhibited by boys or young men. When combined with an environment characterized by cronyism or a “Boys’ Club” mentality, it can contribute to a culture where misconduct or unethical behavior is overlooked or tolerated, perpetuating a sense of entitlement and allowing for the protection of individuals based on personal connections rather than accountability.TAVEAU ASIDE: It’s all ‘character” so  I note I Samuel Eli and both of his sons as the latter

Ai Resumes:

These phrases, when associated with cronyism, can reflect a system or culture that promotes or tolerates nepotism, favoritism, and the exclusion of others based on personal relationships rather than qualifications or merit. They highlight the need for transparency, fairness, and diversity in various spheres, such as business, politics, and social organizations, to ensure equal opportunities and prevent the perpetuation of unfair advantages for a select few.




God’s PEACE and God BLESS!

(C)2023 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)