Pause + Selah



“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding” Prophet JEREMIAH 3:15

CLICK LINK for more translations JEREMIAH3:15

“And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith the LORD.” JEREMIAH 31:14

PSALM 132:9 “Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.”


THE TD BACK STORY OF ” ALL OF THE SAINTS HAVE JOY “ties in with PSALM 132:9, 16: the heart condition, lives of the mature PASTOR, GOVERNING ELDER, OVERSEER, SR OFFICE LEADERS seem to have big effect upon the God’s people in the congregation..

  • Psalm 132:9 “ Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy”
  • Psalm 139:16 “ I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.


God’s Holy Spirit just dropped ALL THE SAINTS HAVE JOY down into Taveau’s spirit in 2011.
For more of Taveau’s songs:

NOTE: Dr T uses her own Vocal Demo (rough hewn) …yet upbeat!


PSALM 132 compared with ISAIAH 29:24 …implies that “joyful saints’ are reproduced by accurate, respectful authentic spiritual leader doctrine PLUS by the lives, representations and demeanors, (personal as well as in public) Hero Role Models of (now New Testament) Christian 5 fold ministry offices. (Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist)


...while the OPPOSITE of ISAIAH 29:24 (following persons, leader human persons) who “murmur” belie their very own need for “best leader high quality, authentic, sincere, leader authority and mature, safe, fully respected, genuine office equipping leader sound, Scriptural, non legalistic, Bible Doctrines.


(C)2011 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserv

FOR DEMO, (Scroll way down to last…)

(C)2011 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
This song is also filed with and

1. All the saints have JOY
All the saints have JOY
All the saints have JOY..
In the river of God, in the sanctuary

God, You’re sending Your mighty river
Send it down from the throne of God
Fill us up with Your joy and gladness
Fill us up with the love of God

2. All the saints have PEACE
All the saints have PEACE
All the saints have PEACE
In the river of God.. there’s no condemnation.

3.All the saints sing PRAISE
All the saints sing PRAISE
All the saints sing PRAISE
In the river of God in the sanctuary.

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(C) 2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)