Pause + Selah


ASSESSING REAL RESPECT is an abiding James 3:17, respectfully submitted Selah, which should by all Christian leadership as “full of my zeal for my Father’s (dis)respectful Houses” PS and I won’t even go into the witch watching self protective, abiding sinister..that majorly accuser stereotypes the New Visitor as “UNSUBMITTED” minus any, all one to one up close RELATIONSHIP. As it’s just about A NATIONAL REVIVAL, SOULWINNING DIVERSE RESPECTFUL HARVEST, GREAT AWAKENING…
*how can we AWAKEN the many perceived as Needing Eternal Salvation” if WE OURSELVES are dull of discernment and perceptively fast asleep? Peer to Ministry PEER afraid?? Plain out minister BIASED?? And accuser resembling the  NEGATIVE to a New Atypical Stranger (?!!!) Full on apprehensive SELF ABSORBED and/or STUCK ON OUR PRECIOUS SAINTLY BIG SELVES??

Please NOTE and all of this stated after 44 solid years of being SENT by the LORD to “doctrinal Noble Berean Bible Assess and attempt to Understand the many diverse “born again ” Bible believing, primarily (here beneath) tongue speaking big TV very effected BIG GRASS almost ROTTEN, Suspicious ROOTS.

ASSESSING REALMS OF REAL RESPECT….upon consideration..perhaps


OUGHT TO BE SUBTITLED “THE SPIRIT OF THE “DUH” IS UPON ( MANY OF) US??? Or “WE might become WORLD WIDE FAMOUS” Spellbound…GOSSIP, RUMORING…maybe ministry  Cain and ministry Able..or perhaps even worse “Bill and Ted” (in their “excellent”however Clueless and Imperceptive… choosing to be  stoned out, BLANK… shallow, Missing It, lack of accurate discerning TEMPORAL  misadventures)


  • “The renown Mahatma Ghandi, the Indian pacifist, was said to have remarked “I might have become a beleiver in Jesus Christ, had I not met so many of His followers.” It turns out that Mr Ghandi had tried to attend a fellowship but got turned away because they told him that his skin was “too brown.**” And I certainly, in a small part, understand, following  the 15 year stint in deep southwest Empire Building Achievement Biased Elite Religion.

*NOTE Christ Jesus was born in  the MIDDLE EAST…a brown skinned Sephardic Jew, who was tribal, and very RELATIONSHIP oriented, (Acts 1o:28) intermingling/all relating.”house to house welcoming multicultural fellowships”…So as into the diverse COMMUNITY… He was  not one bit hierarchal. Apostle Paul confirms with First Church Ephesians 5:21, Common Doctrine Ephesians 4,etc




  • No earthly Mother every bore a MURDERER, RACIST, USER OF OTHER PERSONS, A SEXUAL TRAFFICKER  or ANARCHIST…Yet,it’s what DID or did NOT happen during the childhood.(NOTE yet not necessarily due to the presence or absence of an attentive good Mother)….however…when instilled values were learned….and perhaps  ever so slowly…plus add in the mixture of the world, the flesh* and the active mean devil.(along with “the human carnal flesh” MAY come mental healthy /biochemical treatable real issues)


  • SAFE, PC AND ELITE CHURCH..Create a Saved Christian deceived,  optimistic illusion that, “It’s REALLY  those SINNER’S OWN FAULT…because THEY  don’t want to accept the Messiah, Christ like WE have.” YET this being said after THEY’VE talked way down to them,heavily   pressured, demeaned and been racist,, smug, snide and DISRESPECTING. OR… turned out to WANT something from them. ($$ OR a “heavenly notch on their Bible Belt”)


  • EORR, ABIDING JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP STUDIES were birthed after DFW..Yes, many thanks to the “Saved Big Christians!!” (Her Reasons: If they were that UNLOVING, DISRESPECT, ACCUSER BIASED,some intending to view as “one more gullible” in order to attempt to USE… to a fellow Christian prophetic minister, Long Term SISTER, then how must they treat the NON CHRISTIANS!…)Hence Taveau confesses, Demeaning disrespect, build up in DFW Surface Christian Following, so that the former Wall FLower turned more RADICAL..and Donald Trump also seemed to get away with it…haha..However THIS Saved Radical IS now more opposed to RACISM,BIAS and ALL FORMS OF PREJUDICE due what she KNOW envisions happens FAR WORST to dark skinned strangers, internationals and many atypical human real persons, LGBT and other persons of various personas, believes, lifestyles.



  • AN ARAB MUSLIM  friend of mine shared this tip. She related, when a lot of good Muslims, even other internationals, arrive in a new nation, such as America, they are not extremists,but after many repeated times, even many years, of being DISRESPECTED…that prejudice, all of of the big demeaning disrespect, accusation…finally has a build up effect…so that some turn  RADICALIZED.

I now rise up and call specific regarding  “BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN”  EORR …coming from my Prophetic Soap Box to  the Temple Money Makers Choice Tables” For had I not already well known the Leader LORD, I might NOT have gotten BORN AGAIN way down untrustworthy, formula based, “THERE”.(for I might  NOT have recognized the Real Organic Bible Saving Messiah Jesus…or WHO HE WAS, WHY HE CAME and WAS He another Ministry biased, big  smooth glib talker? area predator con artist?A Mama’s Ego Big Boy? a Racist/Chauvinist?  A Respecter of Only A Few Preferred Pet Selected Persons.?? An Old Testament Levitical Legalistic OverLord… with a hurrying entourage and a commanded aristocratic Pecking Order ?? Was CHRIST a Born Again Celebrity?….OR SIMPLY  A COMPLACENT  “SWEEEEET” DOCILE REFINED, DEEPLY SENSITIVE  INFANT.(who remained easy to manage).YET who, at Christmas, repeatedly morphed into SANTA CLAUS?

Angels coming  from the realms of Deep South Glory..


(C) 2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

THE VERY FIRST STEP IN SHARING THE LOVE OF CHRIST….IS TO SHOW “REAL RESPECT” And if YOU, I, WE don’t RESPECT each of them, as perceivers,formerly persecuted,who have had much biased against, abused…THEY will INNER PERCEIVER KNOW IT!…REASON WHY? Because they are THAT PERCEIVER INTELLIGENT!  Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries


EORR ..EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REAL RESPECT for the Office of EVERY Human Made in God’s Image (Psalm 139) Dr Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership

And I also have a LOT MORE to say on this Now Needed Topic..but it will come later.

(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship all copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)