Pause + Selah



When the Truth is found, to be lies, and all the joy within you gotta find somebody to love** “

Grace Slick, Jefferson Airplane.

**SO THEN THE NEED IS TO FIND THE ANSWER “TO FILL THE BIG VOID” THE “HOLE” …HERE ARE A FEW  CHOICES TO “SEEK AND FIND”….1) the (naive)Saved Christian would RIGHTEOUSLY STAND UP and PROCLAIM”  “HE, SHE should GO JOIN ..and name a  (CLUBBY) “CHURCH”… believing that it’s better than A BAR , A NIGHTCLUB, a bottle of whisky (or an entire cherry cheesecake) and some Netflix, or even taking a right swipe on TINDER, maybe letting it all accumulate and UN-ALIVING yourself.(as appears the modern mega trend)…

2) MEANING THE RATIONAL, JESUS LIKE  ALTERNATIVE as well as a SAFEST PLACE   to LOOK “OUGHT TO BE”” “SHOULD BE”.. the the Local Christian Ministry..however, now enter Hebrews 10:25 at YOUR OWN RISK” for NOW too many devout attenders are overly soaked in their own MOVEMENT “Big Longterm  Koolaide.”

Each DEVOUT MEMBER, however.. is well trained..has been identified as GIFTED and now at the NEW LEVEL..also MANY importantly  seerishly skilled… and itching..seeming jumping  ready to PRACTICE on the FIRST NAIVE NEWIBE that walks in the door.(to make THEM want to BE IN OUR CULT) .Meaning one and all are now  GIFTED, ALL FINE, ALL EXCELLENT..but NO LOVE .so the WALK IN PERSON is nothing more than a TYPE and/or a DARK NEGATIVE STEREOTYPE..or perhaps  “a target to practice  OUR PRECISION FINE TUNE GIFTING …DEEP PROPHETIC SKILL on”


AND THESE  would miss..even darkly elite bias against, the ISAIAH 53 “carrying the Cross” JESUS …if He arrived in their midst…  big oppressed, struggling., bent down,  barely able to make it into the congregation..YET.. having been SENT  in the form  of the Messiah Isaiah 53,, lowly, bent over, hollow eyed..suffering..carrying His cross” For HE would not be PACKAGED in the fine custom to which the MANY are used to, And this “non white” JESUS would have no handlers, no fine professional presentation..nor be surrounded by entourage ..AND as . ‘LOWLY is NOW NOT ACCEPTED” this suffering  JESUS would TRIGGER an ALARM among the leader staff.. that a wanton homeless beggar was on the fine property and  must be immediately escorted OFF. “


SEEMS AKIN TO  THE BLIND LEADING THE HIGHLY  ACHIEVED BLIND:Ministry Isaiah 5:20, Psalm 115, Ephesians 4 “one whole community”

TO CONCLUDE..A LEADER LESSON” Christ doesn’t always appear in our midst as a WELL KNOWN, ELITE GUEST MINISTER.** (and you ought to tell the biased, each one Self Preferring, indifferent, marginalizing MEMBERS, STAFF that) He’s sent down in the rank and file (on assignment and can come in any RACE, AGE, STYLE, GENDER, ENERGY)..However, HE can be ASSESSED by James 3:17 all relationship …pure  Fruit… However, ultimately…The Christ will NEVER FIT A ” TYPE”.for He is original (just like each and every ONE OF YOU ..and THEM) ..Hence He must be “accurately assessed, inner perceived and rightly discerned**” 

**DISCERN BY ABDING JAMES 3:17 FRUIT: “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good ….Galatians 5:22-23 /calm… fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy”

Taveau Calmly Addresses:


“For the Body Of Christ ..If not SHOE fits, then please do not presume that YOU ought to wear one!”

We need an End Time Move..but with NO ONE PERSON OR ministry GROUP or CLUB presuming to OWN it, Own ALL OF “US” SO no ONE SIZE FITS THEM ALL.


MEANING..Even if the charismatic TV effected real MOVES are Vast mega hundreds of nearly all white thousands Taveau Discussed the (well meaning ) however IN Place..Mostly MEN..


Good Ole Boys Mean Ministry and chief Apostle Mega Offscouring pitiful Paul

And She in Great Depth…Mentions the Bible Portrait of the Ministry Office Messiah and trainer Paul.

As compared to Today May be great days ahead if we will clean out the rank and file…including the white defiling dark ego occult..

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(C)2022 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)