NOTE This was first posted www.taveaumentoring.com Nov 6, 2021
PRIOR TO COVID.. TD WAS DEVOTED WORK OUT ENTHUSIAST..SINCE THE 1980s…BUT then the COVID SHUTDOWN..then her MOVE…and CLIMATE adjustment (up NC, SC from the much more Active Wellness Lifestyle of her former DFW, TX LOCATION..THUS…it’s taken a WHILE to figure out WHERE and HOW To RESTART. “ASSESSING: NOW IS THE “SENT” TIME”
ABOVE..But lease make sure that it’s natural, healthy, legal, moral and not addictive in any wrong manner.
(2 J 2 LIFESTYLE was a New 2020 www.onlinefellowship.us SERIES..just as COVID hit the FAN.. and NOW she feels impressed to OPEN THAT BACK UP..but also to FOCUS UPON IT HER SELF”)
TAVEAU OFTEN MENTIONS HER “3 J 2 LIFESTYLE” which she will discuss more about LATER. FYI: 3 J 2 stands for 3 JOHN 2 “from the INSIDE to the OUTSIDE, BIBLE TRUE PROSPERITY, HEALTH” as it states, “BELOVED, above ALL things, I would that you prosper, be in health..even as YOUR SOUL PROSPERS”
Which is HER secret (but only due to GOD”S GREAT GRACE and GOOD TEACHING…
PRAYER REQUESTS, CONTACT: tclleadership@gmail.com
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