Pause + Selah


NOTE this was first posted Nov 8, 2020 but then edited and enlarged here



“Lessons in Jezebel Spying”

WELP ….this choice True Person’s real Thorn in the Her’s “HER” Earthsuit.

(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law

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Above “Blessed are they who EORR IMPROVE” yet it ties in with this type of spiritual leader doctrine

  • A GOOD SUBTITLE..(means if nominated BY THE WELP)  VOTED WINNER OF “APPEARING FROM FAR OFF THE MOSTLY LIKELY TO BE ” UNSUBMITTED”….(yet,rather ironically, this is what exposes them as apostolic WELP!)


  • AND/OR…”If all leader real women are “JEZEBELS” (if based upon Book of Kings, Revelation 2:18-29 Female Gender)…then all leader MEN are “ACCUSERS”( if equally based upon Genesis 3, Revelation 12:7-11 Male Gender)**


** Yet, I am not a bigot …neither back UNDER the OT Legalistic Levitical Law..and I train NON BIASED, NON LEGALISM, “CHRISTIAN BIBLE PRECEPTS.” Also I truly respect ALL men,meaning of all races and preferred styles


  • “The FEAST of the area PHARISEES is their juicy GOSSIP”


  • ALSO..This SHE, HER… ought to have been nominated for….and  then might have WON...”THE LEAST LIKELY TO SEEK WOMEN’S LIBERATION” due to the unknown fact that the Certain She and I was RAISED not back UNDER the OT Levitical LAW and FREE to do and to become WHATEVER the Lord directed (meaning I was raised senior pastor PARENTALLY, natural extended FAMILY as this NOT BACK UNDER assessed as the CHRISTIAN “non traditional”free will  impression.


  • IN OTHER WORDS..”This HER was RAISED liberated and submitting this with the utmost proper respect..that this SHE AIN’T  going to TOLERATE(Rev 2:129 Proper Style).. ANY controlling Demonic Doctrines which attempt to conform the Freedom Her in order to  put her BACK UNDER the Levitical Governmental LAW when she was raised the OPPOSITE. She is firmly trained to Conform to JESUS CHRIST, not another human’s errant Bible theology form of Governmental Legalism. ALSO this office person is GALATIANS 1:1-2 on behalf of the Ministry Body of Christ


  • (PS JUST beneath is an ASIDE SUBMITTED SELAH)Let us now continue…


It strongly appears..THAT…

1. Those ministers who tend to perpetually accuser spy “Queen Jezebels” on the unsuspecting, completely innocent and upon /among  newcomers..recurrent new visitors..appear to willingly AVOID, OMIT all Matthew 18:15-17/humbly Galatians 6:1 “up front respectfully one to one confront” the least ..but usually 100% in my own personal case, NOT AT ALL.


2.   AND that THEY (wide region…and  in error) traditionally  train this passage( Revelation 2:18-29)  to make it appear that ONLY…. even ALL…..leader women are to be regarded as Suspicious, coming to Undermine, to tend to dominate, take  control, be easily deceived (due to Genesis 3 Eve) and sure to be more prone than a male, to teach false doctrines,even seduce.**


**however …we all are very aware that (by reading Jesus Christ’s earthly RELATIONSHIPS Matthew/Mark/Luke/John) that nowhere is it recorded the the respectful, assessing, non  white,non biased, non critical,non legalistic MESSIAH ever used or trained His disciples to form “efficient” “self serving” Bible stereotypes…to help them avoid non respected human atypical persons, or to suppress, avoid them by categorizing any of them into TYPES  based upon Appearance, Hair style,  Gender, Race, Culture or Age..For Christ Jesus was more deep  than ministry leader that.. And yes, once again HIS or ANY MINISTRY doing similar would  NOT resemble “the wisdom that come from above ” (abiding James 3:17 “without partiality”) as there are also equally as deceived,  dominating, controlling,false teaching,and seductive leader men who are office true prophets..



3. AND there is NO  Bible key prophetic PRINCIPLE for leader training, using “PARTIAL” (resespecter, (prophetic SUSPECTER)  of only SOME human persons) as in negative,  accusative demeaning disrespecting, biased ministry handed down guessed correctly…for doing such  would not line up with JAMES 3:17 “the wisdom from above.”

4. Most everyone who has a spiritually perceived form or abject ,avoidant “Queen Jezebel” spying “FEAR” use Old Testament Legalism to keep control over their own in house group’s “subservient little bound apostolic leader women”


5.WE NOTE..”Fear of leader WOMAN brings a snare” just as “fear of man” Psalm 29:25 brings one.


6. ONE day I’ll teach 2 Kings view of Queen Jezebel for it too blames, creates ministry dark suspicion, avoids relationships and hides yet accuses from afar off, often ministry character assassinates, even using their area, national networks. BASED on false prophetic Bible teaching, which is mostly, usually WELP white charismatic.(have studied repeatedly since early 90’s when God SENT me to study what is named “the prophetic” USA moves of the Holy Spirit” in many states. not just one)


7. Western European Levitical Patriarchism(not very multicultural, WELP /overseer shepherding) most of the times has this teaching mixed in with rather GOOD Holy Spirit teachings..yet the abbreviation WELP says it all..the backbiting,gossip and labeling, accuser name calling based upon SUSPICION but ZERO one to one chat, relationship, dialogue OR “have any form of true “RELATIONSHIP” ….


…AND THIS   is what  has caused me to regard all of unusual, unnecessary (sadly) ANTI CHRIST-ian(meaning that it does NOT one bit resemble CHRIST in Isaiah 11:2-3, Matthew,Mark, Luke, John Christ’s area relationships )…

And it’s Faith Filled Ministry Fellowship BAIT AND SWITCH “False Advertising’ ..meaning that it uses JESUS GOOD WELL KNOWN NAME and Hebrew 10:25 (APOSTLE PAUL’S well known, (not legalistic)  COMMAND) to draw many people in..potentially to make their budget grow.(?)..and they woo by advertising “COME FEEL JESUS LOVE” in OUR “safe, loving, emotionally healthy, warm, welcoming Eph 1:6 accepting Church.”..


HOWEVER, when the unsuspecting Newbie Visitors finally get there, and after two or 3 newbie visitor weeks…then the OT Levitical Law Fellowship comes out..due to legalism among the fellowship elders, leaders,and well trained eager to please, lay…and then if they are not humble JAMES 3:17 well trained, it is more like a (Apostle Paul commanded 2 Timothy 3;1-5) Friendly Fire From Such Turn Away Fellowship .


And among the speaking in unknown tongues growing ministry crowds…lies  the accuser teaching is Charismatic Witch watching, Queen Jezebel  paranoia and much Back Under the Law Elder gender big bias, akin to all knowing “need to own, to possess and to actively withstand and suppress” (for as I was not raised around any of this, it then  makes if far more noticeable as it is shocking and a far cry from Reverent Billy Graham  holy fear of the Lord ministry Days.


WE NOTE…AND AM NOT ONE BIT COMPLAINING…just “contending for the PURE Faith”…and doctrinally..leader simply (2 Timothy 3:16-17)  doing a bit of pruning, minister reproving, ensure that new VISITORS,unsaved human persons, get RESPECTED, VALUED and not TALKED DOWN TO by false errant teachings IF and WHEN they want to know more about JESUS and His HOLY SPIRIT Book of Acts.


Therefore  it’s my RED FLAG to the national Body of Christ.

Aside the widespread First Hand Life Eye Witnessed “POOR Tawdry RELATIONSHIP FRUIT” …SEE ODE TO WELP top of


(meaning….Aside from it’s OT Organic  LEVI caustic , chaotic, unsubmitted,  misogynistic Pity Poor Me Roots…)

Old Testament Roots..WELP (rather Middle Eastern LP aka MELP)  appears to roots in misogyny (leader woman hating) and I Samuel Eli and his two rogue associate ministers, his two Playboy User Whoring, rooted in material covetousness, commandeering ministry pressure filled offerings…Eli’s area notorious sons…are visible patriarchal errant foolish roots.

Furthermore the “offering of the Lord was despised in their shameful days” just as it is now in yours and mine (actually for most of your and my life times)


Plus, the complacent wisened aged Patriarchal High Priest Eli, at first accused the lone leader woman, who had come to cry out to the Lord due to her grief..yet rather than rising up in caring human compassion, he at first sat still and labeled her as “another drunk.”


BOTTOM LINE is actually  about each of the office PRIESTS...and each of their  RELATIONSHIP RESPECT to ALL , each GENDER, each HUMAN and considering them, perceiving them as VALID,VALUABLE and deemed WORTHY of EORR. MONEY is also one of the abused RELATIONSHIPS


However GOOGLE then read I Samuel 1-5 for yourself. NOTE this form of the office priesthood is what caused GOd’s JUDGEMENT and ICHABOD over the Israeli nation..and also the REMOVAL of the diseased office high priesthood top elder as well as his two corrupt associate “BELIAL”  ministers.

NOTE in Church of Thyatira..back when this was first written, the LAMPSTAND Leader was ONLY a patriarchal male.. However, NOW, in these less patriarchal, less legalistic leader days NOW there are senior office WOMEN as well. So we must allow mature perspective by training persons of BOTH sexes to “not tolerate ” any false, errant, dominating,even intimidating human ministry, real life relationship person, group, teachings.

As I know to REFUSE to.


AND yet today, I would take time to ponder the CHURCH OF THYATIRA in light of being BOLD, COURAGEOUS and NOT TOLERATING “controlling religious spirits, fellow human persons and or groups”..but I do not mean using violence or rash actions, but rather JAMES 3:17 seasoned mature contemplation coupled with Holy Spirit clear precise RESPECTFUL direction.

“JUST REASONS FOR DISCUSSING SO OPENLY? I ALWAYS  imagine  the common human , every day fellowship attender being put through all of it makes me motivated to SPEAK UP.


This began Noble Berean doctrinal survey..and a real concern for innocent fellowship attenders, as I kept meeting so many (in one central part of my former US state I counted 30 (usually white females, 1 gentle spirit white father of many) who had had similar “ODE TO WELP” bad experiences. (that they pick on James 3:17 mostly quiet shy persons…openly reveals a BULLY ministry sort of belligerent aggressive spirit) such is NOT abiding James 3:17 NOR resembling of Christ in any of His area senior authority ministry or personal RELATIONSHIPS (once again read Matthew,Mark, Luke, John to make sure)

And so, for the Common Ordinary, Unsuspecting, including the Many Atypical  yet very-human. NEW VISITORS, THE JUST CURIOUS VISITOR, NEWLY BORN AGAIN….in order to GUARD, TO PROTECT..the GOOD SAFE HOLY NAME of Jesus Christ…rather than be rumored all about and disrespected, I make the choice to doctrines, then the fruit of such assess …as well as pen to train.



I believe I know what started all of this Noble Berean, my feeling a real need to check out some area accepted bible Based ministry doctrines…following my being publically JUMPED, being kept track of and savaged by nosey ministry wise acres who NEVER once loved me, respected the Christ in me, to SPEAK or attempt to RELATE or CONFRONT (Gal. 6:1, Matthew 18:15-17) In fact prior to that I really enjoyed my Christian area more rural diverse community and had felt it SAFE and worthy of my TRUST. but after this area Patrician, respecter of only A FEW PET ministry persons  swept through, it brought with it my first every experience with sinister ministry ambush, snide rumoring and back biting, for as  a Southern Baptist sr authority’s gently cherished, plus First Born Dear Beloved Daughter, I had never ever heard of any such ministry customs much less noted them anywhere in my Bible Scriptures..


Plus, all of my life,  I had been raised to believe that minding anybody’s business was sin, rude ..and that all gossip, rumoring and character assassination was on the sin list, too. (and I still believe that)


A SMALL HANDFUL OF LOCAL YEAST LADEN RELIGIOUS PHARISEES is similar to the “smallest member” in James 2 “Who can tame the local TONGUE”


Hence..plainly..I was “caught‘ driving a male house guest around back in a very busy body much more country/rural area. WHY? He had no car and I had my then businessman’s husband’s approval.


And I was all around the area in ministry for 10 calm non nosey years prior to that. And thinking nothing of it, we two had driven over  to a fellow “peer”yet clubby sr pastor’s house to pick up something. This gentleman OUGHT to have known my character. Yet when we two drove up, I noticed his smile leaven and turn into a darkened frown….I kind of knew what he was accusing us of..but as a prophet and I just let it go but observed..


“BIG “DUH” …FACT: If we, I,me were hiding anything seductive or morally improper, I would have NEVER driven him around but would have been CLANDESTINE and HIDDEN…completely SECRETIVE, which I /we were anyone could’ve just called me up, made an appointment to Christian Inquire..yet I was not given any call nor any appointment.


STILL, it was NOT any of their business…yet if they thought it was..then THEY should have set a professional one to one humble Galatians 6:1  appointment.NOTE.. I was NOT UNDER the sr pastor’s ministry, nor even a close friend but any area wide acquaintance.


Still, I was immature and unwise to have CARED about HOW he perceived it. However, prior to his coming.. I had been living  in an extreme unsafe emergency.. undergoing deep closet recurring emotional abuse, and had relatives in town, my dad had died, I had, brother , cousins, who were male,plus he had been through all of that. So this nice servant leader friend, was a listening board and helped me by telling me how to BE STRONGER. Plus as a married female, plus a non married female in ministry, I intentionally PROOF any male, if I were to confide,work closely with to make SURE I nor he have “chemistry” and this person and I definitely did not (I aint no Sister Slouch)


AND had the Legalistic  Tale Bearing Leader Saint cared, valued me as a sister leader,ministry, Christian…and/or human person..Yet SHOULD he have suspected EVIL ADULTEROUS SIN…WHY didn’t he give me a call to chat and inquire in person. I could have gladly shared.


…HINDSIGHT the mean old Adversary, Devil ACCUSER always wants to kick  us when already down and  suffering !


BUT the Christian “office Senior Saint apostolic  Minister’ never called or invited me to chat. Rather he darkly “SUSPECTED” whatever HE wanted to  fully believe. And chief autocrat,  all wise he suspected the worst..but then spread accuser rumors,  gossiped, among his 5 or so WELP cronies….


AND  thus endeth the Life Lesson. NOT ALL “Christian ministers’ are James 3:17 “pure,peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy” some of them are accuser WELP.

ALSO… I learned a valuable ministry lesson…both in  how NOT to be and to DO  as a ministry leader, as well as HOW to be and to always DO.

AND ALL COMBINED…. it only forced me to GROW..and realize that Christian ministry is NOT a bed of roses. or Sweet Baby Jesus all of the time..However, ever so slowly FINALLY I have matured enough to avoid Christian pleasing, and have grown to where I ONLY really care about pleasing the LORD, and then wild and unfettered Trump also helped..seeing how God needs to wake the imperceptive and dull and dead asleep (meaning in the  Born Again CHRISTIAN ministry)

And as I was raised to be a People Pleaser ..I supposed this is what was NEEDED to get me rely fully upon the LORD (‘Apostle Paul “did not confer with flesh and blood” when he was alone in Damascus for 14 years, receiving his download from the Lord). So that and Big and Into High Cotton Indifferent country DFW “brood of Christ followers”  really proved to do similar.



  • YET IF anyone THINKS they SEE me in any kind of SIN..please call me UP and ask me directly. It so much MORE Jesus like. And I make the pledge to do the same for YOU.
  •  HOWEVER.. If I might  sum all of this Big History of overseer WELP Chief Shepherding Discovery/assessing Witch Watching, Queen J-bel good name smearing…ALONG  with it’s ministry accuser big stuff…and then do it in ONE BIBLE TRAINING VERSE…it would certainly bet this one:
  •  “Let not YOUR good be evil spoken of “

  • Plus Each Levitical One MYOB!

BUT …and this is ,JUST IN CASE I GET PERCEIVED, SPIED IN  ANY SEEMING TYPE OF SIN….meaning ..for  MANY Mini Minds Spread MEGA Gossip..then any of YOU simply email me and ask me to set up an official ONE TO ONE, HUMBlE, JAMES 3:17 EORR Respectful office APPOINTMENT. ..


AGAIN..each of you ministry PHARISEES.: You best keep it handy…

PLUS A PS A REMINDER: I Samuel Lost First Love LP Eli Temple Office and his chief office mammon centric, very libidinous, as in all RELATIONSHIP DEVALUING…his entire ministry crew, are what incurred God’s wrath..the prophetic “ICHABOD” meaning “the glory of the Lord has departed from the spiritual nation.”


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(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)