Pause + Selah


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“Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.” Apostle Paul Ephesians 3:7



(C)2009 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

  • “Becoming a true prophet” isn’t based upon any Christian formula. And it’s not a fast fix or one that can transform and mature one “instantly.” Rather, it requires a long, enduring, incredibly challenging, difficult dart continual dodging, extra lone, enduring, incredibly challenging, soul bearing ..and even internal, surely external ,big extreme overcoming leader process!**

**(And we are here for you who seem to be in that Endless Process. For Taveau has genuinely lived just THERE!)

  • And it requires the Lord “calling you personally” and “fashioning you into an office prophet” (Similar to Apostle Paul Eph. 3:7″I was made into a minister.” (And this means…”over TIME” and through the very ample LORD’s sifting..) rather than 1) I took a spiritual gift aptitude test and it seemed to fit ME. 2) I’ve watched a lot of famous TV prophets..and they seem to be BLESSED, have a lot of PERKS, entourage…and maybe I can have similar! 3) My Mama said that “I have God’s GIFT” .. so I’m going to sign on to be new prophet.”


  • Let this leader writer state: there is a difference in a person “walking in the office of the prophet” (which is one of God’s five fold ministry gifts to Christ’s Church) and the “spirit of prophecy.”


  • Neither should the SPIRITUAL PERCEIVER, DISCERNMENT, OFFICE BIG GIFT be lauded apart from the CHARACTER of said human person ..meaning both OFF STAGE as well as ON.


NOTE: “becoming a PROPHET” topic of the Spirit ought not be immaturely regarded as for Human, Self Pleasing Purposes of “self serving” ” needing to be regarded as elevated/ elite” and/or “supernatural power wielding” as in “spooky”.. or even worse “entitled.” (all of which are far too common human Ego Need Pitfalls)


This writer believes that no human person can achieve becoming a true Biblical prophet ( by this we mean five fold, walking in the Office of the true Prophet type of person).


Rather, even though one may have been given the mark and call on his/her called to one day be highly anointed life, that human person’s character, faith, maturity, not to fail to mention: personal motives, Bible study and humility takes many years of repeated testing and breaking.

We believe that Father God fashions and uses the Scriptures, with times of deep intercession as well as much patience, true obedience to FORM the person who then has evidence of being called by God to “walk in the office of the prophet.”

TCL, DFW LEADER believes that the “true office of the prophet” human God called person, must be instead viewed as fashioned and formed into one but only after years of true obedience to the Lord.



Moreover, the call to walk in the Ephesians 4 office of a genuine mature, humble office ministry true prophet all results only following the human person inviting Jesus Christ into their own heart as personal Lord and Savior. Then following this they read and Bible study, they do “not forsake Hebrews 10:25” fellowshipping with the other saints, plus if they do feel the tug of God upon their own hearts to Christian ministry, then they seek healthy role models in God Truly SENT, Chosen mature leader persons, to whom they can practice being accountable and also get impartation, ask key questions plus also get “prophetic prayer covering(as in safety, protection)” and sage proven advice.


  • MOST true office prophets require repeated milling and sifting by the Lord, much pruning, as well as time and patience, even being like Moses on the “back side of the desert.”


  • GREAT PATIENCE and ultimate TRUST are among the top requirements.


  • READ the extremely high pressured, long enduring true circumstances of Moses, Noah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Elijah and many more true Office Prophets. Jesus Christ the Messiah, also. And back then, none of them were well known or famous, elevated celebrities. So while WE perceive them as “famous” and ‘welcomed” most of them were certainly not. (till many hundreds of years hindsight!)

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EVEN IF ONE has a call to “walk in the office of the prophet;”

1) A Christian, Bible office prophet receives( perceives, discerns, perceiver hears, inwardly perceiver knows, recognizes) a the WORD COMING FROM THE LORD from within his/her own personal relationship with the Lord God,meaning.. after they have invited Jesus Christ into their heart and after they have matured, have a God directed personal relationship with the Lord, and have grown in the ability to “discern and perceive” the “inward witness” of the Lord …plus also grown balanced in authentic ongoing Bible study as well as in personal character and personal, ministry, life depth.


2) A true office prophet is never “achieved” or ” self made” but rather is a granted spiritual gift, based on authentic unmerited grace. This call is given with the private personal abiding relationship with the Lord and the person who is called. This relationship will be an ongoing spiritual place for that person ‘perceiving and discerning” and growing to hear, to rely upon the Lord. And it will undergo many peaceful periods of needed time, but also will encounter even repeated fiery trials and many “sifting” twists and defining turns.


More more to relate to the more denominationals and also a lot more similar to this.


Coming… Much more , also to relate to denominationals …and also… a lot more similar to this.

Also FORTHCOMING…the Play By Play SELAH..., the exact Christian process required to “perceive, discern” a “heavenly download” coming from the risen Loving Lord ..meaning to either get a word from the Lord, a teaching, a message,a prophetic leader word and /or inner direction. …

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(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved


Servant leader Taveau has a chief apostolic(spiritual doctrine originator) call to the Christian overseer SLACKSWEARERS* (*When the Earthsuited she inquired of the Lord, noting that Paul was SENT to the GENTILES, PETER to the JEWS, she wanted to know to WHOM this ministry is SENT..and that is when the LORD responded back "TO THE SLACKS WEARERS" (Then T assumed,that the reason is that the Christian leaders/ministry groups...who do not believe in wearing SLACKS already HAVE the"Holy Reverential Terror,Abiding Fear of the Lord".) Historically Galatians 1:1-2 servant office Taveau D'Arcy has taken a stand against all forms of bigotry and leader bias within the Christian community. TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP are EORR leader headquarters (Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT for the Office of Every Human Made in God's Image PSALM 139!) + Abiding Enduring in JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY. (versus Back Under the OT Law). ( EORR promotes,declares CHRISTIAN REAL RESPECT FOR EACH AND matter what a Human Persons Race, Age, Religion, Lifestyle, Gender personal choices.)